Where Will American Style Fridge Freezers 1 Year From Right Now


American Style Fridge Freezers

In contrast to integrated models, American style fridge freezers are an impressive design statement in your kitchen. These huge appliances come in different sizes and feature either one or two doors with the fridge positioned over the freezer.

Most models have a range of intelligent features, including the ability to filter water at the tap, crushed ice, holiday mode and full air circulation to ensure the freshest possible air.


American fridge freezers are a significant purchase that will make an impact. They are larger than UK models, which range between 70cm and 100cm in width. Be sure to measure the space before purchasing if you're replacing a smaller fridge freezer or if you are adding one to your home. You'll have to be aware of the dimensions of the fridge freezer including its length, width, and height to ensure it fits comfortably without hindering its capacity or usefulness.

When looking at American Fridge Freezers you can select from a range of sizes, styles and variations. A side-byside refrigerator will have two doors that can be opened in either direction. The left-hand door usually houses the freezer while the right-hand door houses the fridge. This American Fridge Freezer style is also known by the name of a French Door Refrigerator and can be a fantastic option for those who like to have their food and drinks at eye level.

Many American Fridge Freezers have a water and ice dispenser. Some models can even dispense crushed-ice for cocktails and mixed beverages. You'll need to check your chosen model has the right plumbing connections prior to committing to buying one. Some models require an inline water filter when they use hard water, while others come with a tank that needs periodic refills.

When selecting a American Fridge-Freezer, space is also a key factor. There are models with large capacities so you can stock your kitchen with the food and beverages you require. That's great news if you want to save money by buying in bulk and cutting the time spent shopping.

If you are looking for a sleek and modern finish, there are American Fridge Freezers available in various stylish shades. You can pick an neutral color to match your kitchen or opt for something striking and vibrant to create a striking feature. American Fridge Freezers also come with multizone compartments that allow you to change the temperature of your freezer or fridge by pressing one button. That's really handy if you have a lot of food and drinks to keep or you are planning to host an event.


The typical American fridge freezer is bigger than the UK model. It can accommodate up to 30 grocery carrier bags full of food. They're a great choice for families as well as those who like to host big dinner parties and celebrations at home. They're also able to store food in multizone compartments so you can change the temperature of each zone as required, ideal if you're cooking for a large number of people.

These refrigerators have double doors that can be opened in any direction and a smaller section of freezer that can slide out like cabinet (or sometimes has its own door). This layout makes it easy to visualise the contents of both fridge and freezer areas and they're available in various finishes, including black, which makes an elegant design element to your kitchen.

Some American refrigerator freezers are equipped with a built-in water dispenser. This is an excellent feature that will save you money on bottled water. If you do not want to be connected to an existing plumbing system, there are many options that aren't plumbed too which just require water from a mains tap or reservoir.

A lot of American fridge freezers we carry come with extra features that can simplify your life and improve efficiency such as glass viewing panels, an inbuilt refrigerator camera to monitor contents while you're out shopping and touch-screens to alter settings. The top models will have a high-end finish as well as separate freezer and fridge thermostats, which can drive up the cost.

You'll also need to consider how you plan to get the American style fridge freezer into your kitchen since they can be much deeper and wider than a standard fridge freezer. Plan your route and determine the space you have to make sure you can accommodate the freezer into your fridge. Also be aware of any corners or doors that are narrow to avoid an awkward situation on delivery day.


With an enormous capacity, American style fridge freezers provide plenty of space for your food items. The doors are usually placed on either side of the unit, with the drawers for freezers and fridge section located in the lower section. This classic design is ideal for families who consume more fresh food than frozen and need easy access to both.

There are also other options to choose if you want a minimalistic look. For instance, the French door configuration is gaining popularity and offers the same amount of storage space, but with the larger double door fridge section at the top and smaller freezers with double doors at the bottom. This type of design has the advantage that you can only open a single door at any given time.

Look for models that have built-in dispensers for water and ice for those who like having a variety of drinks on hand. These dispensers provide instant chilled, chilled water or frozen water. They will save you the time of queuing in your local store for the same item. Some models even offer crushed frozen ice for cocktails and other drinks.

There are also American style fridge freezers with wine coolers that are perfect for storing your most loved wine bottles and ensuring they're at the right temperature to serve. You can now enjoy an ice cold glass of red wine while you eat dinner, without having to leave the comfort of home.

Our selection of American-style fridge freezers also includes several other features, including anti-fingerprint finishes and humidity control. They also come with auto defrost mode, holiday mode, and blue light technology that keeps your food fresher longer. We have a model to meet every budget and need, whether you are looking for a high-end option or a less expensive, simple model.

When choosing an American style fridge freezer, it is important to take careful measurements of the space you have available and ensure that it will fit before purchasing. These models are much larger than older UK fridge freezer on sale freezers. You do not want to be forced to return an appliance due to the fact that it doesn't fit in your kitchen.

Energy efficiency

Although American-style refrigerator freezers possess a lot of wow factor, they can be expensive to operate, especially when they are loaded with additional features. You can still find models that are recommended at the lower end of the price spectrum beginning at around PS1,000. As you progress up the price range there are models that cost upwards of PS2,500. These are a great statement piece for your kitchen.

Many of the American fridge freezers we offer come with various features that make them more efficient to operate than a typical freestanding fridge freezer. This includes smart fridge technology, like door mounted cool water and ice dispensers and energy efficient LED lighting. These features are beneficial for busy families and can help cut down on the amount of waste you throw away.

Additionally, the majority of American refrigerator freezers have a rating of A or higher. They are better for the environment and your home's energy costs.

Choosing a model with an Energy rating of at least will also make a a difference in the cost of operating your appliance, since the vast bulk of a freezer or fridge's lifecycle energy is consumed when it's turned on. It is essential to verify your UK energy label before buying refrigerator freezer. The labels are an alphabetical and color-coded system to evaluate the appliance's efficiency.

If you're looking for a contemporary refrigerator that will look stunning in your kitchen, or a fridge freezer that will help you save money on your electricity bills, we have the perfect model for you. If you're looking for more information, don't hesitate to reach us - we'd love to help! Our experts will be available to assist you select the best american style refrigerator freezer for your home. You can talk to them using our live chat feature or call us at 0800 988 7949.