What Is The Best Way To Spot The Tall Integrated Fridge Freezers Which Is Right For You


Buying an Integrated Fridge Freezer

If you're replacing your old fridge-freezer or adding a brand new kitchen integrated model is a fantastic choice for creating a sleek, modern look. They're also great for reducing day-to-day hassles like defrosting.

Integrated fridge freezers are typically a standard width so they fit in a housing cabinet, but there's a wide range of models that come with different split types (eg 70/30). There are also Sliding or Fixed doors available.


In-built fridge freezers are an extremely popular option for kitchen design. They are less bulky and don't draw as much attention as freestanding models. However, they're more expensive than a comparable model that is freestanding. You'll also have to think about the price of the refrigerator, the cabinet that houses it and the kitchen cabinetry for if you're planning to create an enclosure.

Generally speaking integrated fridge freezers come in sizes that are standard. They're typically 60cm wide however, they can vary slightly depending on the model and brand. They also differ in height, from the midi-height, which is about 130cm high to an extra tall model that's between 170-180cm tall integrated fridge freezer.

The size of the fridge compartment will also depend on the model and your preference. There are 50/50 splits which offer a similar fridge and freezer space, 70/30 models for those who want to store more fresh food, and then a single door model that's ideal for those who prefer to keep their dairy and meat separate.

The majority of fridge freezers with integrated refrigerators have a variety of features to help keep your food fresher longer. Total No-Frost is one of the features that can help reduce the accumulation of ice so you can check the de-icing option off your list of. These units are usually equipped with an ice-cream drawer, a wine racks and plenty of shelves to store bottles of milk and water.


Refrigerators that are integrated are designed to play an invisible role in your dream kitchen, fitting perfectly behind the cabinet doors for a seamless look. Behind their subtlely integrated facias, they're loaded with storage that appears to be cavernous and clever technology that will keep your food at the perfect temperature for a longer period of time.

The best models have a wide range of shelving and drawers to organise your daily shopping and plenty of door space for large milk bottles. Look out for extra features like ice makers smart connectivity (allowing users to adjust settings with a smartphone app), and child locks. Many models come with a handy shelf that can be set to the ideal temperature for wine, which means you can chill your favourite vintages without the risk of them being frozen.

Cheaper fridge freezers with integrated refrigerators from the Far East can have problems with their hinges that don't hold up to repeated use and can break in months or even years. Make sure to choose Hettich or Ingol hinges, which are sturdy and durable. Many people don't realize that integrated fridges and freezers have more weight on their hinges than freestanding fridges and therefore they must be strong enough to stand up to the pressure. The same applies to the doors, which have to be able to take the load of the fridge and freezer as well as a kitchen door.

Energy efficiency

The best integrated refrigerator freezers integrate seamlessly into the kitchen design, creating an elegant, uniform look. Innovative frost-free technology will keep your food fresher longer. You can locate the ideal fridge freezer for you with a variety of capacities, sizes, and energy efficiency ratings.

It doesn't matter if you're replacing refrigerator freezers that have failed, reworking your kitchen or building a new home, integrated models conceal the appliance behind cabinet doors for a seamless look. This can reduce the mess on the benchtop and offers additional storage ideal for dinner parties. The model you select, some models come with adjustable shelves, which give you more flexibility in how you store your food.

There are two kinds of integrated fridge freezer which are sliding and fixed door models. Sliding doors have a rail fitted into the cabinet where the fridge door slides in to open. The other type, Fixed hinges, use special hinges to secure the fridge door to cabinet. This means that the doors of the cupboard will be affixed to the fridge doors when they are opened.

With the introduction of new energy labels in March 2021, you will be able to find out exactly how much an integrated fridge freezer consumes in kWh each year. This will help you make the best informed decision when choosing your appliances. The new rating system makes it simpler to compare the energy costs of various brands of refrigerator freezers.


A fridge freezer integrated into the refrigerator is a great choice for homeowners who wish to streamline their kitchen design. These appliances hide away behind cabinet doors, and blend into the rest of the kitchen's decor and getting rid of visual clutter. They are also great for those with small kitchens or living spaces that open up. It is important to allow enough space above and behind the appliance to allow adequate airflow. Otherwise, you may end up using more power than is necessary, or even damage the refrigerator or freezer that is integrated.

Our range of buy integrated Fridge freezer fridge freezers comprises models that come with a variety of capacities for storage. Pick a classic 70/30 split, or upgrade to a 50/50 model that has an equal amount of freezer and fridge space. Some models have adjustable shelves so you can alter the layout of the storage space to suit your needs. Other features include a speed-freeze setting that rapidly reduces the temperature of the freezer, an antibacterial interior to avoid odours and mould, and frost-free technology to minimise maintenance.

There's no reason to be unsatisfied with an integrated fridge or freezer, whether you're replacing a fridge or freezer you already have or redesigning your kitchen entirely. They're a stylish and sleek alternative to freestanding appliances. They come in various sizes and colors. Additionally, if you're covered by Saga Home Insurance you can enjoy additional peace of mind when it comes to repairs and replacements.