This Is The Advanced Guide To Tall Integrated Fridge Freezer


Large Integrated Fridge Freezer

The large integrated fridge freezers are invisible since they're in a flush position with your cabinetry. Behind these subtly incorporated fascias, you'll find a surprisingly large storage that can be arranged according to your preferences using handy features like wine racks.

If you are replacing an integrated refrigerator integratedfridge freezer, ensure that it has the same size as the door it's in - either 60:40 or 50:50. In other cases, you might need to make some adjustments.


An integrated fridge freezer is a popular option for people with open-plan kitchens because they can be tucked away neatly and provide an orderly, neat appearance. In general, however, they have smaller storage capacity than freestanding models because they must fit within the cabinet that houses the fridge that they're constructed into.

When narrowing down the models you can easily assess the storage options. If you are concerned about flexibility, you can determine if the drawers or doors allow you to store your food and drinks in various ways.

For families who prefer to keep both fresh and frozen items in the pantry, a 50:50 split is the ideal. There's plenty of space on shelves and door storage to store both. Some models have features like temperature control or hyperFresh, which keeps food fresh and reduces food waste.


The fridge-freezers integrated in the refrigerator are designed to fit seamlessly into your cabinets, without compromising the style you've put so much effort into. By combining a fridge and freezer in one unit, they maximize your kitchen space, thereby saving valuable floor space as well as providing a beautiful finish to your fitted kitchen.

When you're shopping for a large integrated fridge-freezer, compare more than just the capacity. Consider things like shelves and door storage. Think about whether you would prefer an adjustable or sliding hinge model. The choice of installation type will have a significant impact on how the doors fit to the cabinet's housing and the way you open them.

For a kitchen-enhancing design opt for Siemens refrigerator freezer models that come with innovative Skin Condenser technology to prevent moisture forming between the appliance and your walls. These large refrigerator freezers are fitted with a variety of innovative features, such as EasyAccess shelves and VitaFresh fruit and vegetable drawers. They also come with an external dispenser for ice and water, that delivers water, ice, or crushed ice when a button is pressed.

You can also opt for Bosch large fridge freezers that have a 70/30 split to maximise the space in your fridge, or choose 60/40 models to get a more balanced mix. The higher ratio in the fridge allows more space to be used for fresh fruits, leftovers and batch-cooked food.

Energy efficiency

A lot of integrated fridge freezers utilize the latest technology to reduce everyday stress and ensure that the appliance performs reliably. A few of the most important innovations have been developed to simplify manual tasks like defrosting. These days frost-free models are able to be used with no manual effort.

The most efficient large integrated refrigerator freezers will have an energy efficiency class at A+, so you can save money on electricity when replacing an older appliance. Energy consumption is also listed on the pages of the products and you can see exactly how much you'll be saving by purchasing a brand new appliance.

You can learn more about the efficiency of a fridge freezer that is integrated by looking up the website of the manufacturer or by hovering your phone over the appliance to see its EPREL energy label. This will give you an annual consumption rate in kWh, as well as tell you how much the appliance costs to run for the year.

In general, integrated refrigerator freezers cost more than freestanding models. However, the added cost could be worth it if you want an elegant appearance in your kitchen. When calculating your budget, keep in the fact that integrated models will require a tall cabinet for housing and bridging in the event that it's replacing freestanding appliances and you'll need to factor in these additional costs. A model that is integrated is 60cm wide and can fit into existing cabinets where freestanding units would not.


A large refrigerator freezer with an integrated fridge is a great option to keep your kitchen clean and fashionable. They sit discreetly behind your cabinet doors, allowing you to maintain a minimalist design with all the cold storage space you need for fresh food and frozen products. Choose a cabinet with a fixed/door-on-door fitting that attaches to your cabinet's door or a sliding one that can be inserted into a rail that runs to the inside of your cabinet door.

The integrated fridge freezers come with an impressive amount of storage space and numerous innovative features that assist you to organize, store and protect your food. Look for smart technology like VarioZone from Siemens which lets you customize your fridge's storage space with adjustable shelves, as well as extras such as wine racks and salad bins. Other options to consider include frost-free technology, which reduces the accumulation of ice and cleaning time.

The capacity of freezers and fridges tends to be typical for fridge freezers with integrated refrigerators since they are designed to fit inside cabinets for housing and can't be used as a freestanding. There are a few differences in the allocation of freezer and fridge space. Certain models offer 50/50 splits, while others provide more freezer space than fridge space. Some of our refrigerator freezers with integrated refrigerators include an upright freezer, which is great for larger households, or for those who like to cook in bulk and then freeze meals.