This History Behind Integrated Fridge Freezer Is One That Will Haunt You Forever


American Style Fridge Freezer Integrated

American fridge freezers are an impressive kitchen statement. They are large and have plenty of storage space for the largest families and can be fitted with a range of extra features like water and Ice dispensers.

The integrated models can be hidden behind custom cabinetry to give a integrated look. You can also select models with a drop down door that is integrated into the refrigerator's main door for ease of access to milk and juice.


Contrary to traditional larder refrigerators as well as freezers, American integrated fridge freezers consume less space. They can be hidden behind cabinets giving your kitchen a sleek, modern design that is sure to impress guests and family members alike. Additionally, American fridge freezers can typically have more storage capacity than conventional models and include many additional features, including electronic displays, built-in water and ice dispensers and more.

There are a variety of different ways you can achieve the integrated look for your American refrigerator freezer. The most popular method to accomplish this is to use tall end panels to surround the appliance on both sides and then put the bridging cabinet above. This gives it a more built-in look in your kitchen.

Another option is to have your American fridge freezer built inside your cabinets by using an infill panel. This is not as common but it is an excellent option to reduce space and keep the appearance of your kitchen.

Full height

American fridge freezers make a great kitchen design statement. They are larger than traditional fridge freezers and provide more storage space. They may also come with extra features such as energy efficient holiday mode or integrated water and ice dispensers. Pick from a variety of finishes including metallic silver and white minimalist as well as sophisticated black to create an American fridge freezer that will fit your kitchen and budget.

Depending on the type of integrated American fridge freezer you choose, you may be able to create a built-in look by putting a bridging cabinet to it. These are kitchen cabinets that are tall which bridge the gap between the refrigerator and the cabinetry on either side creating seamless lines and giving the illusion that the American fridge freezer is actually part of of the cabinetry.

We also have a range of freestanding American refrigerator freezers if want a cost-effective alternative. A lot of these models come with removable panels that permit you to customize the doors to match the cabinetry in your kitchen.

Whether you're going for an integrated or freestanding model it is important to determine the measurements of your room prior to making any purchases. Make sure you leave enough space around the appliance's back and sides. Certain models require greater gaps than others, so it's a good idea to double check before purchasing.


American fridge freezers are large in capacity storage and are popular for families. They can also add a touch to the look of your kitchen by adding features like built-in ice makers or water dispensers with filters. They typically come with double doors with the integratedfridge freezer on the bottom, and the fridge on top, and some models even offer different ratios of freezer space to fridge space.

You should consider a refrigerator with a Door-in-Door. This lets you open the fridge or freezer without opening the entire fridge. This reduces the energy use and also reduces the loss of cold air. Another great feature is an insulated mini bar door that can fold down from the main fridge to serve drinks.

Integrated American fridge freezers fit inside the cabinetry of your kitchen to create a sleek, seamless design. In the moment, Fisher & Paykel make the only fully integrated American fridge freezer, however you can create the same appearance with other brands by constructing an enclosure using tall panels with an edging cabinet above.

Plumbed-in American fridge freezers are connected directly to your water supply. They provide you a continuous supply chilled, filtered water and cubed or crushed ice at the push of an button. They also help save time by preventing ice buildup in the fridge that could otherwise need to be manually removed.


Built-in fridge-freezers can be integrated into cabinets and look seamless. They also make permanent kitchen appliances. They typically come with additional features such as ice-cube makers and water filters as well. They are more expensive to run than other kinds of refrigerator freezers. However, they have a sleeker and more stylish design.

Consider the storage size and capacity before you purchase as this will impact your budget. There are models that range from 500 to 600 cubic litres, which will provide enough space for the majority of families. You can also find American fridge freezers that have slimline designs that are suitable for smaller homes and can make the most of a limited space.

Certain models come with Door-in Door and InstaView technologies. Knocking twice makes the glass transparent which allows you to access your items of the day without opening the fridge's main cavity. This decreases the loss of cold air and keeps your food fresher longer.

Other aspects to consider include the type of hinge system used and the energy efficiency ratings. Some have fixed hinges while others use sliding rails to move cabinet doors. Take a look at the star rating to determine how energy efficient a fridge freezer is, and choose an appliance that has a high star rating for the best savings.