How Built In Fridge Freezer 70 30 Transformed My Life For The Better


Built in builtin fridge freezer Freezers

Finding a fridge with a built-in freezer can be a daunting job whether you're renovating or building. The good news is that manufacturers have created innovative technology that subtlely improves the performance of their appliances and eases daily tasks, such as defrosting.

The traditional integrated fridge freezers are designed to blend seamlessly into kitchen cabinetry. They can be fitted with hinges that are fixed or sliding models. Both are designed to fit inside the refrigerator cabinet and can't stand alone.


Integrated fridge freezers are built to serve a purpose that is not visible in your kitchen. They are hidden behind a cupboard door, which means they don't appear like a freestanding appliance. They are great for kitchens with a modern design where a freezer could be a nuisance.

Despite their appearance In spite of their appearance, integrated freezers can perform all the things that other fridge freezers do including smart space optimising designs and energy-saving features. There are many sizes to choose from. You can find models ranging from 60cm wide for single-door models up to 90cm wide for double-door American style cooling appliances.

The height of integrated freezers is customizable and you can select one that fits the space available. There are sliding and fixed models (with high-end hinges that connect doors to appliances).

The depth of integrated fridges is standard, as they are designed to fit within the cabinet's 55-56cm in depth. You can choose if you would like your fridge to be flush against the cabinets or stand tall. This will give your kitchen a smooth, elegant look.


Integrated refrigerator freezers are designed to integrate seamlessly with kitchen cabinetry. This creates a premium design that's perfect for modern, contemporary or high-end homes. They may cost more than freestanding fridge freezers but they also provide the most diverse selection of door finishes and handle styles.

built in fridge freezer 50/50-in refrigerators are typically higher than freestanding ones. They average about 84 inches. This could be a problem when you don't have the room in your home for one of these appliances, or prefer to stick with a standard fridge that's less than 72 inches tall.

Some manufacturers, like Bosch offer different heights to fit the various kitchen cabinet sizes. That way, you can benefit from an integrated refrigerator freezer, even if your ceilings are too low to accommodate a full-size model.

Alternatively, you can buy a counter depth refrigerator that will sit flush against the cabinets but doesn't stand out as much. This is a good choice if you are renovating an old house or don't have the money to install a built in fridge freezer (linked here)-in refrigerator.


Integrated fridge freezers generally offer more luxurious options than freestanding models. They are less deep so that they can be placed right in the middle of countertops and cabinets and offer more space inside when compared to standard deep refrigerators. The larger sizes are particularly useful for large families and enthusiastic cooks who want to have a the food they need available.

There are two kinds of installation for fridge freezers with integrated components fixed and sliding' hinge models. They are based on the way the fridge freezer is incorporated into your kitchen cabinetry and how it works with your other kitchen appliance doors. The majority of kitchen cabinet manufacturers are able to accommodate both kinds of installations. However, it is always a good idea to verify before buying a refrigerator freezer that is integrated.

NEFF integrated refrigerator freezers are loaded with intelligent and useful features that help you keep your freezer or fridge full of frozen and fresh foods. Our hyperFresh feature, which lets you choose the ideal combination of moisture and temperature to maximize the life of your food. Our power-freeze feature, which quickly lowers the temperature for your frozen food items, are all fridge freezers with innovative solutions. There are refrigerators that are built-in with a beautiful metal interior to give your kitchen a modern look. You can also choose from a range of sizes for refrigerators that are integrated to find the best fit.

Energy efficiency

Many people consider the energy efficiency of the refrigerator freezer. Fridges are constantly running, 24/7 and consume a significant amount of electricity. This is why fridges and freezers have become much more efficient over the years.

Manufacturers have raised insulation standards, developed new compressor technology and have added useful innovative features. Look out for innovative solutions like Fresh Zone +, which keeps vegetables and fruits fresher longer in humid drawers. Siemens noFrost automatically defrosts your freezer, reducing operating costs by as much as 10%.

Check the kWh numbers on the labels of energy to determine how much energy is used by a fridge or freezer. This is a measure of how much energy the appliance uses per year and smaller models require less energy than larger models.

Make sure that your fridge or freezer is not in direct sunlight and that its vents aren't blocked. It's also good to keep it a few degrees cooler than the room temperature because this makes it easier for the fridge or freezer to rid itself of heat.