Five Things You ve Never Learned About Built In Fridge Freezer


Indesit Built In Fridge Freezer

The Indesit built in fridge freezer will fit seamlessly into your kitchen and provide an efficient solution for space-saving to fulfill all of your needs for refrigeration and freezing in one go. Enjoy 154L cooling space over three glass shelves, making it easy to store and arrange. A dedicated Crisper drawer is also available for delicate salads and fruit.

Optimal Humidity

This Indesit built-in builtin fridge freezer freezer offers an impressive 154L refrigerator space as well as 110L freezer space, so you can store your entire grocery list and more. There's a dedicated Salad Crisper for delicate vegetables, as well as a large storage compartment to store the bags that your family loves to fill with frozen treats. Hygiene Protection helps to reduce the growth of bacteria and odours to ensure your food stays fresher for longer. The ideal Humidity constantly monitors and adjusts humidity levels to create a comfortable environment and protect produce.

Low Frost technology minimises ice build on the refrigerator and freezer walls to make defrosting so much easier. This keeps energy efficiency high and you will have to defrost your freezer and fridge less often.

This Indesit fridge freezer is simple to clean. It comes with an antibacterial lining that keeps food fresh and free of bacterial. The door seals also, are antibacterial to provide an hygienic, fresh look. White is a classic touch to your kitchen, and an easy bottle balcony lets you store drinks conveniently. This Indesit integrated refrigerator freezer is versatile because the door can be opened to open on either side. This Indesit fridge freezer comes with a 10 year parts and labour warranty and will give you peace of mind knowing that this reliable appliance will last for many years to be.

Absolutely No Frost

With an Indesit fridge freezer integrated into the unit, you'll get the latest advanced features that help keep your groceries fresher for longer. One of the most important features is Total No Frost, which actively circulates cold air inside the freezer compartment, preventing the formation of ice so that you don't need to defrost as frequently.

For additional convenience this model also has an extra Crisper drawer for delicate salads and fruit to keep them as fresh as is possible, along with an ideal bottle balcony so you can easily store your favorite drinks. There's enough space for everything you need for your week in the refrigerator's 154L capacity and 110L freezer.

This model also comes with Pure Wind technology that uses an air-flow fan to continuously blow cool air around your appliance for better ventilation. This helps keep your food fresher for longer, and saves you money by decreasing food waste.

The sleek, elegant design looks great in any kitchen. It also comes with an energy rating of A+, so you can be sure that you are making a responsible investment for your family. You can even rest easy knowing that Indesit's built-in fridge freezer comes with one-year warranties. This is the perfect accessory to any modern kitchen.


We understand how busy life can get, so we offer appliances designed to reduce time and effort. Our refrigerator freezers aren't an exception, with a handy Push&Go function to cool your groceries more quickly. When you press the dedicated button, this feature activates an extra cold which lowers your appliance's cavity temperature, restoring it up to 40% faster and creating optimal storage conditions.

To help you make light work of the weekly shopping load for less, the INC18 T311 UK built In Fridge Freezer 50 50-in fridge freezer comes with the brand's Push&Go benefit alongside Total No Frost technology. This 70/30 split fridge-freezer combines 250 litres of storage space with glass shelves, giving enough space to store your entire weekly shop and more. With the fridge's space of 154 litres and an extra Crisper drawer for delicate salads and fresh fruit you are sure to find the ideal spot for your groceries.

Pure Wind and Low Frost technologies are also used to keep your food fresher for longer. It helps protect your food by lowering levels of humidity, Pure Wind is ideal for acidic and sensitive foods and Low Frost helps reduce the accumulation of ice, meaning you'll have to defrost less frequently. It allows you to enjoy your food more.

Reversible Door

Created to make life easier for busy families, this Indesit fridge freezer offers an efficient space-saving solution to take care of all your frozen and fresh food requirements in one. Optimal Humidity technology continuously checks and adjusts the humidity levels within the fridge to prevent your food from drying out. This model also has Push&Go and Total No Frost to reduce the defrosting process.

This Indesit Fridge Freezer is available in a stylish white color and features a sleek, tall design that can be incorporated into smaller kitchens. The fridge can hold a net capacity of 154L and plenty of storage options including three glass shelves for the fridge and a handy full width bottle shelf at the door. There's even a dedicated Crisper drawer that protects delicate salad leaves and fruit. The freezer cabinet is large with the capacity of 110L thanks to a large number of deep, clear-fronted drawers.

All the drawers and shelves are easy to clean, making it simple to keep this Indesit Integrated Fridge Freezer in excellent condition. It is energy-efficient with an A+ rating, and is also incredibly quiet, with just 38dB. It is easily controlled with an adjustable thermostat, and equipped with a door that is reversible to adapt to your kitchen's layout, this is the perfect fridge freezer for small homes and flats.