An All-Inclusive List Of Beko Built In Fridge Freezer Dos And Don ts


How to Choose a Fridge Freezer Built In Fridge Freezer 70 30 in 50/50

Refrigerators with integrated fridge freezers are designed to play a hidden role in the kitchen of your desires. These appliances have been subtly integrated into fascias that hide a large amount of storage space, and use clever technology to keep food fresh for longer.

For example certain models can eliminate the defrosting process completely by the circulating of dry air to avoid the build-up of frost. Some models even reduce frost by using low-frost technology.


A refrigerator freezer is a piece of equipment in the kitchen which allows families to store and keep their fresh food and beverages within their own space. This is to ensure hygiene. They are available in a variety of sizes and colours and have features that make them easier to use.

Some models include a drawer for the pantry that can be set to the desired temperature and humidity - perfect for keeping wine, party trays or frozen vegetables at their peak. Others offer a flexible salad drawer and cheese drawer that can be set to the optimum temperature for each type of produce. Some models also come with an instant freeze feature that automatically lowers the temperature once you add food to the freezer.

A digital screen powered by batteries is another great feature. This means that the fridge will continue to work even if there is an interruption in power. Some refrigerators come with a cold accumulation block that helps keep the fridge cool for longer and an spout that drains to allow water to be easily removed during defrosting. Check out refrigerators that have separate controls,, as this will allow you to adjust the temperature of each compartment independently in case you need to. Some fridges have a holiday setting that turns off the freezer, but ensures that the refrigerator is running so that you can still enjoy frozen goodies while you are away.


The idea behind them is to play an invisible role in your dream kitchen by hiding behind subtle facias refrigerator freezers with integrated fridges pack plenty of smart technology. They're durable, affordable, and packed with features that help your food last longer, including advanced cooling technology like BioFresh and VitaFresh+.

Basic fridge freezers with integrated refrigerators maintain a constant temperature, however higher-end models come with a more sophisticated temperature control. You can also set the freezer or fridge in degrees Celsius. Some models come with a separate drawer to store fish and meat at a lower temperature that improves preservation. They also have an additional compartment for storing fruit and vegetables with a low level of humidity that stops them going soggy or rotting more quickly.

Our top range of integrated refrigerator freezers from brands such as Bosch, Siemens Beko, Hotpoint and Neff include all of these advanced features, along with a host of other kitchen-enhancing innovations. Some models, for instance are aeg built in fridge freezer with a door alarm that informs you when the refrigerator or freezer doors were opened accidentally. Some models are frost-free and can be defrosted completely by circulating dry air through the appliance, so that any ice that forms melts, and evaporates instantly.

If you're replacing an existing integrated fridge or freezer, it's important to make sure that the new appliance has the same split type of appliance so that the doors to your cupboard will fit. It is also necessary to leave a few centimetres at the back of the appliance for pipes or sockets that require connecting.

Energy efficiency

The energy rating of a refrigerator freezer tells you how much energy it needs to keep food cool. The higher the rating, the more efficient it is. Choose models with the highest energy efficiency. AO compares energy ratings and shows how much it will cost to run a particular model each year.

The range of AO's smart models includes models with WiFi connectivity. They can connect to your smartphone, letting you set notifications to remind you to get rid of food before it goes off, and create personalised recipes. They also have useful features like an ice-colder for salads and LED lighting inside the refrigerator compartment.

Holiday mode is an additional useful feature. The fridge is kept at lower temperatures and helps reduce the energy consumption when you're away.

Select an integrated model such as the Montpellier MIFF502 if you want to maximize storage space without sacrificing energy efficiency. It is integrated into your cabinetry for an elegant, minimalist design. The fridge has a reversible glass shelf and doors that can be changed as well as drawers with a chest design that allow for flexibility. The freezer is also energy-efficient with a quick chill function and super-frost for speedy cooling. This makes it possible to keep vegetables and meat fresher longer and helps reduce the accumulation of frost, which makes cleaning easier. LG's NatureFresh Technology, which keeps the fridge cool, while moving air through the fridge, and a Fresh Balancer that regulates humidity for vegetables and fruits, are also innovative.


If you want an a 50/50 fridge freezer that doesn't require a lot of assembly, pick a brand that comes with a full warranty. LG and Samsung offer warranties on refrigerator compressors that can last up to 10 years. GE covers water filters for the first 30 days. Bosch and Beko offer fridges with frost-free technologies that prevent defrosting, making these appliances an ideal option for homeowners who work a lot.

The average refrigerator freezer lasts 12 to 14 years. Regular maintenance and fixing any issues as soon as they arise will extend the life of the appliance. Modern kitchen appliances are designed to make your life easier by doing a durable, steady job. For example, integrated fridges like the Bosch KIN85NSF0G fridge freezers and conceal refrigeration behind the cupboard doors. It can hold a capacity of 1.5 litres (net) for the fridge and 99 litres for the freezer.

Check out the warranties offered by different companies when shopping for a refrigerator freezer. Most of these warranties come with repair services that allow you to make appointments for repairs with skilled technicians close to your home. A refrigerator warranty can help you save time and money by streamlining the appliance repair process. You can also purchase extended warranties for other major systems and appliances in your home.