15 Secretly Funny People Work In Integrated Fridge And Freezer


Fridge Freezer Integrated 60/40 Models

Fridge freezer integrated 60/40 models are installed behind kitchen doors and provide a decent quantity of fridge storage, including large freezer compartments. If you are a frequent buyer, you might want to consider one with 70/30 split. This will give you more freezer space.

Some models have a super-freeze function that lowers the temperature in the integratedfridge freezer to help food to freeze faster. This uses more energy but also saves you money on your electricity bill. There are fridges with reversible door designs.


Fridge freezers with integrated 60/40 models are perfect for smaller families, couples and those who don't require an abundance of storage space. They're also more affordable than fridge freezers that are freestanding and you can match the finish with your other kitchen appliances to create an elegant look.

Our fridge freezers with built-in refrigerators come with clever innovations that make your food last longer. The door's reversible design is able to be adapted to any kitchen layout. Humidity drawers are readily available to store fresh food. LED lights use less energy and last much longer than traditional bulbs. You can pick a model that includes HarvestFresh Technology which allows for photosynthesis, ensuring your vegetables and fruits keep their nutrients. Other options include Rapid Cool and Fast Freeze settings that swiftly make your new additions cooler than the ambient temperature, which ensures they retain their quality.

Our largest integrated fridge freezers will stand out. These American style fridge freezers feature massive capacities, with up to 189 litres of fridge space and three drawers of freezer that are transparent. This provides ample space for everything from your weekly shopping to bulk buys of meat and fish. These units also have handy accessories like dispensers for water and ice to allow you to easily access chilled drinks. You can choose from a variety of colors to match your kitchen, or choose something more striking.

Energy rating

Refrigerators Freezers that have an A+ or AEnergy rating of ++ are better for the environment and your wallet as well. These models feature clever innovations such as NoFrost that prevents ice formation, VitaFresh XXL to preserve the freshness and flavor, and LED lighting that consumes less energy than traditional bulbs.

If you have more space, you can find larger American fridge freezers to meet your family's storage needs. These models typically come with plenty of useful features like wine racks, egg holders, and compartments for fruit and vegetables. Some even feature a door-mounted water dispenser for easy access to chilled water.

A 40/60 split is great for households that purchase lots of frozen goods, but still need fridge space for cheese, milk and drink bottles. There are fridge freezers that have 50/50 splits that evenly divides the space between the freezer and fridge sections. The freezer section features drawers with clear fronts which make it easier to find frozen foods. If you're looking to freeze items quickly, you can use the Super Freezing function, which lowers the temperature in the freezer for a brief time so it's able to quickly freeze new food. This helps save energy and stops other frozen food from defrosting. Some fridge-freezers have an intelligent refrigerator that monitors and adjusts the internal temperatures to optimise energy consumption.

Internal configuration

Refrigerator freezers that are integrated are smaller than freestanding units, because they have to fit into the kitchen. They have less storage space and are more expensive since they can't be moved as easily. You can lower your energy bills if opt for a model which has high efficiency ratings.

There are a variety of configurations to choose from, depending on your budget and personal preferences. Some fridge freezers are equipped with integrated water dispensers and an ice maker, whereas others come with a lower price and just a freezer section. French door refrigerators are a favorite due to their two doors for the refrigerator on top and a drawer for ice cream underneath. They are a great choice for a modern kitchen design.

Bosch fridge freezers have an innovative interior layout that allows you separate compartments for beverages and food. This arrangement helps to prevent contamination and keeps your fresh foods in top condition. The sensors' intelligent algorithms continuously check and regulate the ambient temperatures of the fridge and freezer to ensure they're always at their optimal temperature. They even shield your food from odour transfer. They have innovative features such as VitaFreshXXL and noFrost, as well as smart LED lights which provide uniform and glare-free interior illumination.


designed to play a subtle role in the kitchen of your dreams, integrated fridge-freezers provide a surprising amount of storage space and a range of smart ideas. Be sure to look for adjustable shelving and helpful extra features like childproof doors and ice cube makers. With a range of finishes like stainless steel, black, and white, you can easily blend your new fridge freezer with other kitchen appliances.

If you're a fervent cook, you might want to consider a fridge-freezer equipped with smart technology to help you plan your meals and monitor expiry date. The models that are connected to WiFi let you keep tabs on what's inside from any location - and you can download recipes and create shopping lists, too.

When it comes to freezing food picking a freezer with an automatic Super Freezing feature is a good idea. This rapidly freezes fresh food at the ideal temperature, keeping the nutrients and vitamins as well as its colour and flavour.

Reversible door hinges let you choose which side of the fridge opens which allows it to be more easily incorporated into your space. Alarms are a great feature for when family members fail to shut the door properly. To ensure a hassle-free freezer, many of our fridge freezers that are integrated have Low Frost technology, which reduces the amount of ice that builds up to make defrosting an unnecessary chore.