11 Ways To Fully Redesign Your Bosch Fridge Freezer Built In


Beko Built In Fridge Freezer Review

Beko is among the fastest growing home appliance manufacturers from across the pond. Their refrigerators are designed by industry experts and feature sophisticated food preservation capabilities. With features such as NeoFrost dual cooling technology, an auto ice maker, and advanced odor-removing IonGuard technology, these fridges will ensure you are eating healthier than ever before.


The Beko BCSD173 refrigerator-freezer comes with a number useful features. It comes with adjustable shelves which makes it easy to store larger objects such as bottles of wine or 2-litre fizzy drinks. It also comes with an elegant chrome wine rack for additional storage space. It also comes with an antibacterial door seal which prevents bacteria from getting into the fridge and causing damage. Additionally, it features a digital display that shows the temperature as well as other functions.

It also comes with a built in fridge freezers-in ice maker and water dispenser that can save you money and time by eliminating the necessity of manually filling up ice trays. It also has a smart temperature sensor that is able to automatically maintain the optimal temperature. It is also efficient in energy consumption and is designed to fit in most areas. The manufacturer claims the refrigerator can keep foods fresh 30% longer than traditional models.

The fridge-freezer was very efficient during our tests. It maintained a temperature of less than 5 degrees for most of our test period, and the freezer stayed under -18 degrees. It did tend to heat up when the doors were open, however it quickly cooled back down after closing the doors.

Like all fridge freezers This one also emits some slight sound when running. The level of noise is dependent on the model and can go between a low noise to a high vibrating sound. However, it is important to remember that the volume of noise is less than the noise of other refrigerators.


Beko refrigerators are made with care to boost your home's energy efficiency. They utilize a unique design to cool twice as fast, reducing the energy usage of your refrigerator by as much as 40 percent. They also come with IonGuard which locks in freshness, and eliminates smells to ensure that your food remains fresh for longer.

The latest model from the company, the BFFD3626SS French four-door refrigerator, is a stylish addition to any kitchen. It comes with all the essentials you'd expect from a refrigerator including an ice and water dispenser however, it also comes with unique features such as EverFresh+, which keeps the freshness of vegetables and fruits for up to 30 days.

The sleek top digital controls are a great addition. They allow you to control the functions of your fridge with just a glance. The fingerprint-resistant stainless steel finish on this refrigerator is also visually appealing. It also has an in-built in fridge freezer 50/50 water dispenser that is filtered that allows you to drink your favorite drink anytime.

The automatic ice maker produces six pounds of ice every day, which will save you the time required to fill up ice trays. You can alter the temperature and freezing settings on the easy-to-read digital display. Select models also feature doors that can be opened with a field-reversible hinge, so you can decide in which direction you'd like to open the doors of your refrigerator. This makes it easier to install your fridge into any kitchen arrangement.

Energy efficiency

Beko fridge-freezers are energy-efficient which helps you save money while also protecting the environment. The ENERGY STAR models of the brand are between 9 and 15 percent more efficient than the federal minimum standards. This is because the evaporators are controlled individually and only function when you are using the freezer or fridge. This feature allows you to keep food fresher longer and also reduce the amount of noise.

Beko refrigerators also feature stainless steel that is coated to make cleaning simpler and give a beautiful matte finish that is smudge proof. Some fridges come with the ActiveFresh Blue Light feature that helps keep vitamin C levels in check. It mimics natural lighting conditions in order to prevent the oxidation process from occurring.

If you're in the market for an upgrade to your fridge or wish to upgrade your existing one, there are plenty of options to fit every budget. There are Beko fridges that are ideal for small kitchens and apartments, while others provide a sleek and sophisticated look to make any home look more stylish. There are fridges that have a digital display and LED lighting to facilitate navigation of settings. Some models blend in with the cabinets to create a seamless appearance. They're crafted by industry experts to fit in with any kitchen arrangement They're also packed with useful features and functions that take care of all your fresh and frozen eats.


Beko has announced that select products will now come with 10 years of parts warranty in addition to the standard one- or two-year labor guarantee already provided. This, according to the company will help consumers avoid unnecessary appliance waste and encourage repair instead of buying new. Beko's website lets consumers register their appliances and identify the guarantees they are entitled to.

The tall fridge freezer comes with adjustable door balconies, cantilever shelves that are height-adjustable and a spacious crisper. The LED inner digital display allows you to easily view what's stored. And you can adjust the temperature using the touch controls - try Quick Cool to rapidly lower the temperature of food or Holiday Mode for long periods away from home.

Invigorate your vegetables and fruits by using the Active Fresh Blue Light which extends photosynthesis so you get better-tasting, healthier food for a longer time. NeoFrost also provides the fridge and freezer with their own cooling system, so that they can keep the ideal humidity levels. You'll be able to get your weekly groceries done with a fridge of 376 litres and the freezer that is 196 litres.