10 Under Counter Fridge Tricks Experts Recommend


Under Counter Fridge Sale

Under counter refrigerators are a fantastic space saver and a great option for kitchens with smaller spaces or apartment. In the past 20 years, they've improved in terms of design, aesthetics, and design.

Find the right model for your requirements. Think about the location, how it will be used and if any additional features are required.


A refrigerator under counter can free up space in your refrigerator, and is perfect for condiments, drinks, and other food items you need to be within reach. Our selection includes a broad assortment of sizes to fit your requirements. You can choose between small undercounter refrigerators that are ideal for living in apartments and larger models that you can install in your kitchen. Certain models are ADA certified to accommodate people who have mobility issues.

Many of our refrigerators that are under counter include a freezer, making them ideal for those who host a lot of parties or require extra storage space in their kitchen. Having access to frozen foods can be beneficial to those who cook in bulk or who enjoy taking meals on the move. Check the dimensions of your freezer model to make sure it's a good fit under counter fridge the counter.

We also offer a variety of commercial undercounter refrigerators that are suitable for use in restaurants, pizza shops, sandwich bars or catering businesses. They come in different capacities to meet low medium-, medium- or high-volume requirements. They also come with a variety of features including a digital touch pad control that makes it simple to alter the temperature settings. Some have reversible doors to allow for a left-handed door swing while others feature interior lighting to make it easy to identify the contents.


As opposed to freestanding fridges models are designed to be placed under counters, and are typically front-venting. This makes them cooler by directing the exhaust heat away from compressors and into the room. This helps them to maintain energy efficiency and last longer. This may cause them to make more noise compared to standalone models. This is because of the addition of condenser and Evaporator fans which are needed to cool them down. The design of quiet running fans is continuing to improve however, these units should get even quieter with time.

They come in a variety of designs to meet a variety of requirements and can be put in any space. They're usually utilized as an additional refrigerator to the main refrigerator, or in the pantry to keep additional food or drinks on hand. Some are dedicated to wine storage or can be transformed into centers for drinks to host parties. Some are ADA compliant and have low-profile designs that allow easy access to ingredients.

It's crucial to verify the size of an undercounter refrigerator to ensure it can fit under your counter. It's also worth determining which side of the door is open in order to determine the place it can be placed. Some doors are reversible however, you must verify this prior to placing an order.


Undercounter refrigerators are a great option to keep drinks cold and fresh ingredients available, whether you run an unassuming café, a busy bar, or any other establishment that serves food. These compact units can be tucked under your counter to free up space for other appliances, such as ovens and freezers. They also provide an elegant design which blends seamlessly with your existing decor.

There are models with doors made of solid material or with glass, making it possible to see inside the refrigerator without opening it. Stainless steel models resist fingerprints and stains. They are sturdy enough to stand up to frequent use. You can also find models with reversible doors for left or right-handed operation.

Select units have multiple temperature zones, so you can store food items and drinks at the perfect temperature. The LED interior lighting ensures that the contents are like they're as tasty as they can. If you need ice, shop for undercounter refrigerators that have built-in ice makers that produce up to 50 lbs per day.

Small undercounter refrigerators are often used as an overflow for larger refrigerators for kitchens or to store things near a countertop or another area for cooking. They are also available at convenience stores and other locations where self-service refrigeration is required for snacks and drinks. Many are ADA certified, with shorter legs that can be placed under counters with low shelves.

Energy Efficiency

We have a variety of under-counter fridges which are durable and hold their temperature effectively. They also come with great features like LED lighting and self-cleaning condensers. Some models even come with a Fast Ice setting to speed up the cooling process.

Undercounter refrigerators are smaller than traditional fridges they can fit under the counter without taking up valuable floor space. They also utilize front venting technology which pulls heat from exhaust away from the compressor in order to preserve energy efficiency.

Many models contain condenser coils inside, which can help them be more compact. The high-end fans found in good undercounter fridges pull cool air through the front grill, and funnel it through the condenser as well as the evaporator in order to bring the unit to temperature.

It is beneficial to choose an appliance that is more efficient in terms of energy efficiency to cut down on energy costs. Examine the energy consumption figures of various products and search for the energy STAR.

Counter-top refrigerators are a great method to increase the refrigeration capacity of your kitchen. They are a great way to free up space in your refrigerator while providing convenient access to drinks, snacks food items, condiments, and tray for parties. They can also help keep food fresher by reducing spoilage and ensuring that the ingredients are at a temperature that is ideal for them.