10 Life Lessons We Can Take From Built In Fridge Freezer


Indesit Built In Fridge Freezer

The Indesit built-in fridge freezer can seamlessly fit into your kitchen, providing the space-saving solution needed to satisfy all of your needs for refrigeration and freezing in one convenient location. Enjoy the cooling capacity of 154L, spread over three glass shelves thereby making storage and organization a breeze as well as a separate Crisper drawer for delicate salads and fruits.

The Ideal Humidity

This Indesit built-in fridge freezer has 154L of refrigerator space and 110L freezer space, which means you can store all your food items and more. There's a designated Salad Crisper for your delicate vegetables, and a huge storage compartment for the family's favourite bags of frozen snacks. Hygiene Protection reduces the risk of the odours and bacteria, meaning that your food will remain fresher for longer. the Optimal Humidity constantly monitors and tweaks humidity levels to create the perfect environment for your food and protect it from damage.

Low Frost technology reduces the amount of ice that accumulates on the walls of your freezer or fridge which makes defrosting much simpler. This keeps energy efficiency high and means you'll need to defrost less frequently which will save you time and effort.

Easy to clean, this Indesit fridge freezer has an antibacterial lining that helps to keep your food fresh and free of bacteria and the door seals are also antibacterial, to give a clean and fresh look. The white-colored scheme adds a touch of class to your kitchen. A bottle balcony that is convenient lets you store your drinks. The reversible door can be fitted to open from either side, making the Indesit integrated fridge freezer an adaptable addition to your home. This Indesit refrigerator freezer comes with a 10-year parts and labour warranty. You can be confident that this appliance will last you for many years.

Total No Frost

With an Indesit refrigerator that is integrated You'll be able to enjoy the latest technology that helps you keep your food fresher longer. Total No Frost is a crucial feature that helps circulate dry, cold air through the freezer compartment. This stops the formation of ice and also reduces the frequency of defrosting.

To make life easier this model also has an extra Crisper drawer that can be used for delicate salads and fruit to keep them as fresh as is possible, along with a handy bottle balcony so you can store your favourite drinks. With 154L of room in the refrigerator and 110L of room in the freezer There's plenty of space to store your daily purchases.

This model is also equipped with Pure Wind technology. A fan constantly blows cool air around the appliance to increase the airflow. This helps to keep your food fresher for longer and also helps save you money by less food waste.

The sleek, modern design will look stunning in any kitchen, and it is backed by an energy rating of A+ so you'll know that you're making an informed purchase for your household. You can rest assured knowing that Indesit's built-in fridge freezer is covered by one-year warranties. This is the perfect accessory to any modern kitchen.


We understand how hectic life can be, that's why we offer appliances with features designed to save you time and effort. The Push&Go feature comes as standard on our fridge freezers. It helps you cool your groceries faster. When you press the designated button, this feature activates an additional cold that reduces the temperature in the cavity of your appliance which allows it to be restored up to 40% faster and creating optimal storage conditions.

The INC18 T311 UK built in fridge freezer 60/40 in fridge freezer is equipped with Total No Frost and Push&Go technology from the company to help you cut down the amount of weekly shopping. This split fridge freezer 70/30 combines 250 litres of storage capacity with glass shelves that provide enough space for your weekly shop and more. You'll find the perfect space for your groceries with 154 litres in the fridge and a Crisper drawer that is dedicated to delicate salads and fruits.

Pure Wind and Low Frost technologies are also employed to keep food fresher longer. By reducing humidity levels, Pure Wind is ideal for products that are acidic or sensitive while Low Frost reduces the build-up of ice and you'll need to defrost your food less often. You can enjoy your food more.

Reversible Door

This Indesit fridge-freezer was designed to ease the burden of families with busy schedules. It's an efficient solution for space that can accommodate all your frozen and fresh food needs. Optimal Humidity technology continuously monitors and adjusts humidity levels in the fridge, protecting your food from drying out. This model also offers Push&Go and Total No Frost, to help speed up defrosting.

This freestanding Indesit Fridge Freezer comes in an attractive white colour and features a sleek tall design to fit neatly into smaller kitchens. The fridge has a net capacity of 154L with plenty of storage solutions including three shelves made of safety glass and a convenient full width bottle shelf inside the door. There's even a dedicated Crisper drawer to protect delicate salad leaves and fruits. The freezer cabinet is big with the capacity of 110L thanks to the generous arrangement of three deep and clear-fronted drawers.

The shelves and drawers are easy to clean, making it easy to keep this Indesit Integrated Fridge Freezer in good condition. It is energy efficient with an A+ rating and also incredibly quiet, operating at just 38dB. Easily controlled by an adjustable thermostat and complete with a door that can be reversible to suit your kitchen layout it is the ideal fridge freezer for small homes and flats.