
Revision as of 19:17, 18 April 2022 by Tim (talk | contribs) (→‎Fedora)

Replimat is developed using the git version control system, on the github hosting service, in the replimat git repository as well as in the repositories of the upstream software projects themselves.

Follow these instructions to install and use the software portions of the Replimat project and the tools to modify them. Much of this software is intended to work with the replimat controller.

Setting up prerequisites



Open a terminal and type the following:

sudo dnf install git openscad rust cargo kicad keepassxc yosys gimp inkscape vim

Some distributions, such as 64 bit Fedora, put 64 bit libraries in the /usr/lib64 directory, whereas nautilus-python (the program that lets us extend nautilus) assumes all libraries are in the /usr/lib directory. This is a nautilus-python bug. The current workaround is to create a symlink:

ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib/

NopSCADlib requires some setup:

sudo sh -c 'echo "export OPENSCADPATH=$HOME/Documents/GitHub/replimat/lib/openscad" >>/etc/profile'

Meikian Live

Meikian Live (formely named CWLive) is a GNU/Linux live distribution initially focused on Clone Wars community, but intended to all the RepRap users and developers. Based on Debian GNU/Linux, it includes most of the Software, Firmware, useful links and other related stuff you can use on a day to day as a reprapper.

Pop! OS

sudo apt install meld git openscad rustc cargo rabbitvcs-nautilus rabbitvcs-gedit rabbitvcs-cli kicad arduino gnome-tweak-tool obs-studio obs-plugins fritzing subversion keepassxc yosys openscad freecad gimp inkscape cura exfat-fuse python3-markdown codespell peek autokey filelight yagv vim vokoscreen-ng libserialport0 patchelf solvespace

To get the latest IceStudio, download the appimage from

NopSCADlib requires some setup:

sudo sh -c 'echo "export OPENSCADPATH=$HOME/Documents/GitHub/replimat/lib/openscad" >>/etc/profile'

Add the following to /etc/profile as well

if [ -d "$HOME/Documents/GitHub/replimat/lib/openscad/NopSCADlib/scripts/" ] ; then

Arduino doesn't run out of the box on recent Ubuntu releases. We need to patch a library to allow it to work:

sudo patchelf --add-needed /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Download and unpack U8glib-HAL arduino library into ~/Arduino/libraries/

Download Marlin firmware and unpack into ~/Documents/GitHub/Marlin/


sudo apt install meld git openscad rustc cargo rabbitvcs-nautilus rabbitvcs-gedit rabbitvcs-cli kicad arduino gnome-tweak-tool obs-studio obs-plugins fritzing subversion keepassxc yosys openscad freecad gimp inkscape cura exfat-fuse python3-markdown codespell ubuntu-gnome-default-settings vanilla-gnome-default-settings vanilla-gnome-desktop ubuntu-gnome-desktop peek filelight yagv vim vokoscreen-ng libserialport0 patchelf solvespace

NopSCADlib requires some setup:

sudo sh -c 'echo "export OPENSCADPATH=$HOME/Documents/GitHub/replimat/lib/openscad" >>/etc/profile'

Ubuntu 20.10 requires a symlink in /usr/bin for the ImageMagick command line utility:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/convert /usr/bin/magick

Arduino doesn't run out of the box on recent Ubuntu releases. We need to patch a library to allow it to work:

sudo patchelf --add-needed /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Download and unpack U8glib-HAL arduino library into ~/Arduino/libraries/

Download Marlin firmware and unpack into ~/Documents/GitHub/Marlin/


Redox OS is an operating system written in the Rust programming language, and a high-value build target for Replimat. Expanding the instructions here, for installing the software necessary for building and modifying Replimat to work on Redox OS would be an excellent way to contribute to the project.


  • chocolatey doesn't seem to have openscad, arduino, possibly others
  • Just-install does not seem to have openscad
  • Windows Remix seems to have openscad
    • openscad, github desktop, freecad, inkscape, gimp, arduino, cura,


Cloning the git repository

  • If you haven't already, install git.
  • Join Github
  • Using the command line client:
  • Using the Github Desktop:


Using blender from Python requires the 'bpy' module which does not install correctly on Ubuntu out of the box. Installation details here.


Replimat parts are modeled with important features oriented toward the X axis origin, and centered on the grid location closest to the origin or with a mounting hole centered at that location.

A set of CAD functions are available as part of the NopSCADlib library for the free and open source OpenSCAD constructive solid geometry software. It contains functions for tubular and T slot frames of configurable size and orientation, flat surfaces with and without notched corners, many additional parts, and easy hole-aligned translation:

// grid_frame_z(segments, material, width) - create a vertical frame 'segments' long
// grid_frame_x(segments, material, width) - create a horizontal frame along the X axis
// grid_frame_y(segments, material, width) - create a horizontal frame along the Y axis
// grid_nut()
// grid_bolt_z(length, width)
// grid_bolt_x(length, width)
// grid_bolt_y(length, width)
// grid_bolt_nut_z(length, width)
// grid_plate_dxf(wide, deep, hole_radius, corner_radius, width) - create a plate width and depth in 'segments'
// grid_plate_stl(wide, deep, hole_radius, corner_radius, width)
// grid_pillow_block()
// grid_translate([x, y, z]) - translate frames or plates in X, Y, or Z axes in units 'segments'

There's also an M-Bitbeam OpenSCAD library and another Gridbeam and Bitbeam OpenSCAD and OpenJSCAD library.

Additional information can be found in the OpenSCAD User Manual


A FreeCAD Replimat library is currently under development. BOLTS and FreeCAD Library serve as useful starting points.




Code CAD based on the Python programming language and PythonOCC Docs


"LÖVR uses a 3D coordinate system with values specified in meters. Negative z values are in front of the camera, positive y values are above the ground, and negative x values are to the left. By default, the coordinate system maps to the VR play area, so the origin is on the ground in the middle of the play space." LOVR docs

ln -s /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.lovr.hotswap/files/.lodr/ lovr

Centering objects in Blender involves Shift-S 1, Shift-S 7


3D Scanning






