Why We Why We Built In Fridge And Freezer And You Should Too

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Fridge Freezer Built In

Fridge freezer built in fridge freezers in models are designed to fit seamlessly into your kitchen cabinetry. They typically have an average depth and are about 178cm tall.

If a flushed appearance isn't the main thing you need to consider take a look at features like WiFi-enabled capabilities that let you access your fridge and adjust settings from your phone.


The size of the fridge freezer you pick will depend on the amount of space you require. You should always consider that the amount of space you can get when you change from one size to another could vary quite a bit.

When looking for integrated fridge freezers, make sure that the model you pick fits into the cabinet where your existing appliance is. Also, consider the type of installation of hinge - sliding or fixed and whether the cabinet doors are connected to the fridge cabinet.

Freestanding fridge freezers aren't required to have cabinet doors and can be set up anywhere in your kitchen, provided it's suitable. These models are more expensive than integrated models but they provide a lot of flexibility in design.

Fridge Freezers are available in various sizes, ranging from 130cm to 178cm extra tall models. You can also select between 50:50 splits 60:40 splits, 70:30 splits to make the most of your freezer or fridge space. Some models come with a sliding drawer, which makes it easier to get access to frozen food.


The fridge-freezers integrated into the kitchen are flush mounted within your kitchen cabinets, giving it a customized look. They are available in a variety of sizes and widths that suit all home kitchen designs. There are models that measure 130cm tall and a low-mid option. You can also find models that are 178cm tall. The door split is also different, with some options offering 50:50 split and some that are split more efficiently into freezers or fridges.

They are popular in modern kitchens. They are equipped with a variety of options to improve the preservation of food and also superCooling. This feature rapidly cools down freshly purchased food items to ensure they aren't spoiled at the store. They also have advanced touch pad computers to track expiration dates and usage.

If you opt for a model that is recessed you can achieve similar results by using a freestanding refrigerator freezer. This requires you to build an alcove inside the cabinetry or wall, where you can fit an elongated model that is in line with the rest of your appliance cabinetry. This design is beautiful however, it's more expensive than a built-in model because you will need to construct an alcove.

Column fridge freezers are the most versatile built-in options as you can mix and match a refrigerator with a full freezer or even have an additional column wine fridge and a side-by-side combination of both. These are a very popular choice for modern kitchens. They can be combined for an elegant appearance or split into two separate units.


If you're looking for sleek appliances with integrated lines, a refrigerator with a built-in freezer is the best option. These appliances are incorporated behind kitchen cabinet doors and appear to be part of the wall, creating an elegant look that blends well with any style. These models are also ideal for those who want to keep their kitchen neat and free of clutter.

There are a range of heights available to suit your family. There are lower'midi'-height models that measure around 130cm, as well taller models that measure at around 170-180cm tall. The split between the freezer and fridge is an additional aspect to consider Choose between 50:50, 60:40 or 70/30 splits to suit your food storage needs.

Numerous brands provide innovative technology that will help your fridge freezer last longer and remain in tip-top condition. Siemens HyperFresh Technology for instance, keeps fruits and vegetables fresher for up to twice as long by mimicking the 24-hour natural light cycle. Blomberg's VitaminCare+ helps preserve the nutrients contained in fruits and veggies by cutting down on spoilage. This makes sure that your food stays fresh.

Some integrated fridge freezers have smart sensors that monitor the temperature, humidity levels and even your door openings to control energy consumption. Siemens noFrost freezers, for instance control defrosting cycles to avoid frost build-up and ensure your appliance runs efficiently.

Energy efficiency

The freezers in your fridge are operational all day and use up an enormous amount of energy. Selecting a model with an energy rating that is high will help you to save on electric bills and reduce carbon emissions too.

Find refrigerators that have ratings A-G on the new energy label. The rating now gives you much more information than just the power consumption - it tells you how much energy it consumes per year (kWh) in addition to the type of insulation it has, if it's built into cabinetry and what the noise level is.

Certain models also come with additional features that cut down on power consumption, like GE's Smart Food Storage which adjusts the temperature based upon how often you open the door and the location of the fridge. GE fridges are also connected to Wi-Fi and allow you to easily access and control them with your smartphone app.

A fridge freezer that is integrated into the kitchen cabinet is put behind the cabinet's door to give it a 'built-in' appearance. They can be sliding or fixed hinge models, and are a popular choice for those looking to create an elegant, seamless appearance in their kitchen. They are available in a broad variety of styles and finishes including matt, gloss or wood effect. They are generally made from low-carbon materials such as recycled steel or reclaimed wood to reduce their impact on the environment.