Why Under Counter Fridge Silver Will Be Your Next Big Obsession

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Hotpoint RLA36G1 Graphite Undercounter Fridge

Organise your food just how you like it with this sleek undercounter refrigerator from Hotpoint. It's a great fit under the counter and has shelves that can be adjusted to fit your needs as well as a salad bin and an ice-cream container.

The refrigerator is undercounter and comes with an a remarkable F energy rating. It can help you save money while contributing to the environment. It also comes with Hygiene+ protection to keep your food fresher for longer.

A storage capacity of 149 litres

This refrigerator is small enough to fit under your counter, but it still has plenty of storage space. With 7 shelves built-in and 1 large salad bin You'll have plenty of space to store your fresh food items. Additionally, with adjustable safety glass shelves, you can keep various sizes of items without fear of them falling and breaking.

This Hotpoint RLA36G1 fridge comes with an impressive A+ rating. You can be sure that it will run efficiently and help you save money on your electricity bills. Hygieneand protection is also included, which is an anti-bacterial coating placed on the inside of the fridge. This assists in eliminating mould and bacteria. This ensures that your food will be fresher for longer. The capacity of 149 litres indicates that it is able to comfortably carry many bags of groceries.

A+ energy rating

Hotpoint's RLA36G1 has an A+ energy rating, which means you can be confident that your refrigerator will operate efficiently and save you money on electricity bills. This compact appliance fits neatly under the counter in the kitchen and can hold capacity of 146 litres to accommodate all your food items. It's loaded with features such as adjustable shelves made of safety glass with a salad drawer as well as handy door compartments for bottles and jars. Antibacterial protection is also included to keep odours away and make the unit look stylish.

You don't need to worry about frost accumulation, since the auto defrost feature will do all the work. Active Oxygen dispenser releases pure air to your fridge, stopping bacteria growth by as much as 90%.

The undercounter refrigerator has a reversible door, giving you more flexibility when placing it. The adjustable feet allow you to place this undercounter fridge into tight spaces. Lastly this sleek freestanding refrigerator comes with a one-year labor warranty and a 10 years of parts manufacturer's warranties for total peace of head.

Hygiene+ protection

A fresh and cool refrigerator is always at the ready to ensure that food and drinks are secure. If bacteria and germs build up on the grills that surround your appliance, they could impact the performance of your appliance. By keeping your fridge clean you can prevent this issue.

This undercounter refrigerator by Hotpoint includes shelves made of durable safety glass that can accommodate anything you'll need. This is a great option for those who want to store large casserole dishes or bottles. It also offers Hygiene+ protection. That means it's able to protect your food from harmful germs and bacteria.

The undercounter design of this 146-litre freestanding refrigerator makes it perfect for kitchens of all sizes. The sleek Graphite finish is both elegant and modern and the A+ energy rating can help to reduce your electricity cost. It also comes with 7 shelves in the interior and 1 large salad bin, providing ample storage space to accommodate your groceries. Plus, the hygienic anti-bacterial coating inside the fridge helps to keep your food fresher for longer.

Versatile design

The capacity of 146 litres in the Hotpoint RLA36G1 undercounter refrigerator makes it perfect to keep plenty of food, snacks and drinks fridge undercounter neatly organized under your counter. The reversible doors allow you to place it in any corner of the kitchen or the utility room. Adjustable feet make sure that the fridge is level on uneven surfaces. You can also easily adjust the temperature according to the items you're keeping, as you can also use the auto defrost as well as Hygiene+ protection which protects your food by killing bacteria and mould.

A good fridge under counter should be able to cool quickly from room temperature or else you'll see the accumulation of moisture in the cabinet. Be sure to look for the option to select a fast-cool mode that reduces energy consumption and keeps your food chilled in a short time.

Choosing a model with forced air circulation is a good option, since this will aid in keeping the temperature steady and consistent. Marvel offers models that make use of Dynamic Cooling Technology, which optimizes the internal cooling circulation to reduce temperature fluctuations. This creates an improved preservation environment that improves food quality, including nutrition and flavor and also a longer-lasting freshness, and less food waste.

Make sure you go through the product's description thoroughly. There are a lot of models that are described as "low profile" or "ADA Height" work top versions, which are designed to be fitted under countertops and are able to conform to ADA guidelines. It's important to make sure that your refrigerator is placed underneath your counter. You will be using it as a drink fridge or to store your cooking equipment.