So You ve Purchased Built-In Fridge Freezers ... Now What

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Choosing an Inbuilt Fridge Freezer

The fridge freezers that are integrated fit perfectly in your kitchen and are a popular choice for sleek designs. Manufacturers of fridge-freezers today offer features that were previously only available on high-end refrigerators with built in fridge freezer 50 50-in freezers. They include temperature control and air filtering.

Generally speaking they are more expensive than freestanding models due to the fact that you have to pay for the fridge's cabinet's housing and doors for kitchen cabinets.


It is essential to choose the appropriate size refrigerator freezer. It is essential to choose the right size that will fit your space and meets your storage needs. The widths of refrigerator freezers can vary from slim bottom and top-freezer models to wider side-by-side and French door refrigerators. They can be as tall as 84 or more inches.

If you are replacing an integrated fridge freezer with a stand-alone model, you'll need to ensure that the new appliance will work. Take a look at the drawing of the installation of the fridge freezer to ensure it will work with your existing doors for your kitchen cabinet and ensure that the split type is identical (for example 70/30).

Visit your local DIY store to test out various appliances to experience the best of them. This will help you determine what style of refrigerator will suit your home the best and which features you prefer.

You should also think about whether you want the fridge in a flush with the cabinets or if you prefer a more prominent. Some people choose the latter to create a modern, minimalist look. Also, take into account the ceiling's height. It could cost you more to raise your refrigerator by a few inches higher than you think. It is also worth noting that you will have to take out your fridge freezer's high housing cabinet and may need to add or replace the bridging cabinet that is above it.


A great feature of integrated fridge freezers is the ability to integrate the cabinetry of your kitchen for a seamless appearance. This is particularly important in contemporary kitchen designs that require a sleek and minimalist look is desired. You can achieve this by covering the top of your refrigerator with cabinets, or by using trim kits to add a personal appearance. In addition you can pick from the various handles available to match the kitchen appliances.

Based on the size of your kitchen, it is possible to choose different styles that will fit your space. There are midi-sized models for small spaces and larger full fridge freezers that can fit into higher ceilings.

If you want a sleek, modern style, you can go with a built in fridge freezer 60/40 in refrigerator from Cafe appliances (formerly known as GE Cafe). Cafe appliances offer a selection of finishes that are certain to match your kitchen cabinets. Reviewers are raving about this fridge due to its clever design inside and quiet performance. It also has interior buy dispensers for ice and water, as well Wi-Fi Connect which lets you check the temperature of the fridge or freezer via an app on your smartphone.

No matter what style you select be sure to measure the space first to make sure that the new refrigerator will fit perfectly. You'll need to leave a decent-sized gap between the refrigerator and the cabinet above to allow for airflow. There will be issues with mould, odors and moisture in the event that you don't.


The integrated fridge-freezers are designed to be fitted into kitchen cabinets, so that they appear as if they were an element of the decor, and not an independent appliance. They're a popular choice for those who have modern or contemporary-styled kitchens.

Many top models feature innovative techniques for food preservation that reduce household waste and help you save money. For instance, Siemens noFrost freezers come with sensors that detect the temperature of the air and number of door openings. They make use of this information to determine when it's time to defrost. This helps reduce the necessity for manual defrosting as and also energy consumption.

Other options include antibacterial linings that reduce the smell of food, and super-cool settings that instantly reduce your freezer temperature to keep your food fresher for longer. These features are becoming more important to consumers keen to reduce their carbon footprint as well as reduce food waste.

The big box stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, do not offer integrated models as they require customisation such as special orders, custom-designed models, and bespoke installations to fit into the kitchen cabinets. Specialists in refrigeration have a large selection of models from some of the leading manufacturers. This lets homeowners make an informed decision by weighing a variety of factors, such as the size, the design, food preservation, and cost.