14 Questions You Might Be Uneasy To Ask Fridge Freezer

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How to Choose a 50/50 Fridge Freezer

A 50/50 fridge freezer is divided into two equal sized compartments to store chilled and frozen food items. These freestanding appliances are available in a range of sizes to fit the needs of every family member and come with a range of colours to blend it into your kitchen.

You can also opt for a taller integrated model that can be incorporated into a housing unit and is adorned with modern doors. They're usually hinged on the left or right to accommodate the layout of your kitchen.


When you are buying a refrigerator freezer, the capacity is a key factor. This is measured in litres and is useful to compare different models against each other. We can convert this into bags of groceries at AO to make comparing fridge freezers even easier. Assess your family's needs to find the ideal capacity for you.

A 50:50 fridge freezer offers the same freezer and fridge space, ideal for families that prefer to store fresh food items. With plenty of shelves, these appliances come with adjustable shelves as well as door racks and a drawer for salads to keep your fruits and vegetables fresher for longer. The fridge section also comes with a wine rack with a chrome wire that makes it easy to store all your favorite bottles.

If you are a big lover of frozen food, a 60/40 fridge freezer is the best choice for your needs. These models are great for busy households who often buy bulk supplies of frozen food items and prefer to keep their fridge space free for yoghurt, milk and freshly cut fruit. They have more freezer space than their 50:50 counterparts. They also come with ample drawers and a clear front design that makes it easy to locate.

An integrated fridge freezer is built-in into your kitchen, so it's crucial to measure the space available before purchasing. You'll need to make sure that it's able to fit inside your cabinet doors and doesn't interfere with other appliances in the kitchen. You might also have to leave some extra space around your appliance for ventilation.

The Integrated Fridge Freezer from Candy is a stylish and practical choice for your home. The compact appliance has the capacity of 87 litres inside the refrigerator compartment. It comes with four shelves, two doors racks, and a salad crisper to store all your favorite foods. It's also energy efficient, with a low-watt LED light and EcoAirflow technology that regulates temperatures and humidity levels. Party Mode activates the Super Cool feature to chill drinks, and creates extra ice.

Energy efficiency

Refrigerator freezers consume a lot of energy, so it's worth opting for models with high energy efficiency ratings. A higher energy rating on your appliance will lower your electric bill and also help reduce carbon emissions. These refrigerators may cost a little more initially, but the savings they generate on your energy bills will pay for themselves in the long run.

The efficiency of the fridge-freezer is determined by its energy consumption as well as how much heat it generates. To find out how efficient a refrigerator is looking for an energy label which has a general rating from A to G. Then, examine the icons on the label to see what the chilled and frozen compartments are rated as.

Refrigerators with an A+++ rating are the most energy efficient. They use less than 150 kWh per year, which is significantly smaller than the UK average of 85 the kWh. A+++ model consumes less gas compared to other fridges & freezers and freezes which makes them more safe for the environment.

You can also make use of EPREL an electronic database of EU appliances to determine the efficiency of these appliances. Simply touch your smartphone to the QR codes on the energy label. You will be directed to the product page on the database, which gives you specific information regarding the fridge freezer's energy consumption and emissions.

Other factors to consider are whether a model is frost-free as well as how easy it is to clean. Refrigerators with the option of not needing defrosting. This can save you time and effort in getting rid of and cleaning off the ice. It's also an excellent idea to select an appliance that has a deep freeze function, which can keep frozen food fresher for longer.

Smart technology in refrigerators and freezers can track the amount of food in your fridge and warn you if you're running out of food. Some refrigerators have cameras, that let you observe what's inside without opening the door. These are handy for keeping an eye on leftovers or when you're shopping. You can also find interesting features like LG's NatureFresh Technology that circulates cool air to stop food from rotting.


The design of the refrigerator freezer is vital when you're deciding the best model to purchase as it will affect the ease with which you can store and access your food items. Some models include features that help keep food fresher longer and reduce the amount of food wasted, such as humidity control or LED lights. You can also find CrispZone or a salad drawer which can be adapted to different types of produce. This is particularly helpful if you're planning to use your integrated fridge-freezer in a garage or outbuilding where temperatures are lower than in a kitchen.

The models also differ in the arrangement of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Some fridge-freezers allow you to choose from 50/50 splits, while others provide a split of 70/30 where the freezer is bigger than the fridge. Some fridge-freezers have reversible door which allows you to put them wherever your kitchen will allow. This can be extremely useful if you're limited on space in your kitchen as it lets you make the most of the available space.

For example, this frost-free fridge freezer from Beko comes with a huge capacity of 185 litres, that can accommodate approximately 14 bags of groceries and features reversible glass shelves that can be moved upwards or downwards depending on the kind of container you own. It also has a salad compartment that retains humidity to keep your fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. You can alter the door tray to ensure that it accommodates taller containers and bottles.

This fridge-freezer also has the feature of NoFrost which means you don't need to manually defrost the appliance. This saves you both time and energy. It also features a Super Cool function to quickly chill freshly added foods and drinks. It's a clever Small Fridge Freezer, Vk1B87O4Zefwd.한국,-freezer that comes in a variety of finishes, so you can blend it into your kitchen's decor. It comes with a variety storage compartments including a VitaFresh drawer for fruits and vegetables as well as an easy-access shelf, a BigBox in the freezer, and an EasyAccess shelf.


One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing the right fridge freezer is its capacity of storage. You need to make sure that the freezer in your fridge has enough room to store your food and drinks. Comparing specifications is a great method to determine the amount of space each model has. You may find that some have more shelves, drawers or door storage than others. Look at the flexibility of the storage, since some can be moved to accommodate different sizes of containers and bottles.

Despite its compact footprint this Hisense model boasts a staggering gross capacity of 236L. It is divided across four glass shelves along with three door racks and a crisper drawer in the refrigerator compartment. The shelves can be rearranged to accommodate taller items, such as milk bottles. This american fridge freezer freezer boasts Total No-Frost technology, a handy feature that removes the need for an ice scraper and helps to save energy and time. There's even a slide-out shelf at the top of the freezer, ideal for storing ice cube trays.

If you organize a lot of parties, you can activate Party Mode to quickly chill drinks and make extra ice. The fridge also comes with an easy salad drawer that retains humidity to keep your fruits and vegetables fresher for longer. For families with jet-setting, there's Holiday Mode which keeps energy costs low and odours at lower levels when you're away.

This stylish fridge-freezer looks great in any kitchen. It's available in a range of finishes and colors, so you're sure to find the right one to suit your home. Stainless steel and Chrome models are modern, while classic white refrigerators provide the most affordable option. Many of these models come with either a one or two year manufacturer's warranty that gives you peace of mind in case of any problems. There's also a variety of features, including air quality sensors and LED lighting, that you can select from. However, certain of these features can increase the overall price, so it's worth considering your budget and personal preferences before you make the purchase.