10 Undisputed Reasons People Hate Cheap Integrated Fridge Freezer

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Tall Integrated Fridge Freezers

Tall integrated fridge freezers blend seamlessly into kitchen cabinets, creating a hidden fridge aesthetic. These are a favorite among homeowners with modern kitchens, or desire a minimalist appearance.

A majority of these refrigerator freezers cut down on maintenance by minimising frost or removing it altogether with zero-frost technology. These fridge-freezers also have smart features, such as a food camera that allows you to look over your food items without opening the door.


The integrated fridge freezers are designed to perform an invisible role in your dream kitchen. However, don't be deceived by their simple exteriors because inside is a deceivingly large storage space, with useful features such as bottle racks and dairy compartments. They are able to be customized and flexible. be adapted to your requirements. They also have smart technology that keeps food at its best.

The largest Siemens fridge-freezer is capable of 271 litres. Their innovative Skin Condenser technology stops moisture forming between the appliance and kitchen cabinets, allowing you to keep everything fresh for longer. They also feature a reversible door so you can go in and out without difficulty and the internal LED sky lighting makes it easy to find items whenever you need.

You can pick from a variety of ratio options for Siemens fridge freezers. They range from 50:50 split to 60/40, or 70/30. This gives you a larger fridge side to store your fresh produce and leftovers while providing plenty of space in the freezer for frozen treats and batch-cooked meals.

Their smart VarioZone technology lets you personalise storage space so you can store and dispense food items at the right temperature and humidity, while preserving the freshness, taste and nutrients. Add the external water and ice dispenser that provides cold water, ice cubes and crushed ice at the push of a button, and you have one of the most advanced fridge freezers on the market.


A tall fridge freezer is different from a regular refrigerator. It's important to consider the style you'd like to have for your kitchen when you purchase. An integrated fridge freezer is hidden behind doors that match the cabinetry. It's virtually undetectable and won't be a problem with your overall aesthetic. This is ideal for those who have modern kitchens, or who want a sleek and simple design. The fridges are equipped with a range of clever storage options including adjustable shelving and cooling drawers that are able to be converted.

The most significant difference is that these refrigerators can't be used as freestanding models because they require a custom cabinet. This can make them more expensive than a freestanding model, but it's not unusual for manufacturers to add extra costs like doors for kitchen cabinets, or bridging cabinets with the appliance price.

If you're considering an integrated fridge freezer it's worth considering the split type because it will determine if your cupboard doors are compatible with the new appliance (check our buying guide for more information regarding split types for fridge freezers). Most appliances are designed to fit in the fridge housing cabinet that has 60W x 60D opening. However there are some exceptions so make sure you check before purchasing.

Energy efficiency

In recent years, manufacturers have upgraded refrigerator freezer designs to increase their energy efficiency. This is due to better insulation standards, new compressor technology and improved temperature control. This has helped cut down on their energy consumption, and also reduce running costs. Look out for the kWh figures on energy labels to see how much energy your appliance uses and look for models that have an A or better rating.

Refrigerators with integrated freezers are perfect for those who want to add a modern design for their kitchen. They're designed to be a part of an open kitchen and hide behind your cabinet doors, creating a harmonious design.

When considering an integrated fridge/freezer refrigerator freezer you should think about the size of your room. They are generally slightly larger than freestanding refrigerators, since they are required to fit into an enclosure cabinet. This means that you may have to add taller end panels or a bridging cabinet if your kitchen cabinets fitted are taller than your fridge freezer.

At Currys, we stock a wide range of fridge freezers to suit every type of home. Whether you're after an energy efficient model, or simply a large capacity appliance, we have options from top brands like Hotpoint and Bosch. Browse our collection to find the ideal fridge freezer for you.


Fully integrated fridge freezers frost free fridge freezers are great for those who wish to create a cohesive look in their kitchen. These appliances can be hidden behind cabinet doors for a sleek look.

Depending on the model, tall integrated refrigerator freezers could come with many intelligent features that can improve your daily life. This can include features such as the hidden water dispenser within the refrigerator's door so that you can access chilled, filtered water without disrupting your decor. Other models come with LED lighting which can be customised to your personal preferences, or intelligent sensor controls that manage temperatures, thus reducing the need for manual defrosting.

Although it is possible to make an integrated fridge freezer that is tall freestanding, it isn't recommended as the appliance will need to be installed inside the cabinet for kitchen use. This can affect the ventilation and airflow which can have an impact on how efficiently the appliance works. Freestanding fridge freezers can be more difficult to open than one with a built-in unit because it does not have kitchen cabinet doors attached. This is among the main reasons that homeowners prefer a fridge freezer with integrated features instead of a stand-alone model.