This Story Behind Built In Frost Free Fridge Freezer Is One That Will Haunt You Forever

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A Built In Fridge Freezer 60 40 Adds A Sleek Finish To Your Kitchen

A built-in fridge freezer that is 60-40 inches tall adds modern style to your kitchen. This Bosch KIN86VF30G model from Serie 4 has innovative technology that helps keep food fresh and easy to find.

Eco Air Flow circulates evenly and maintains the ideal temperature. NoFrost protects you from the formation of ice. MultiBox XXL drawers are ideal to store extra vegetables and fruits, and LED lighting assures that everything is well-lit.


Invisible hidden behind a subdued facia integrated fridge freezers come with all the same specs as freestanding models, but with the added benefit that they match the design of your kitchen. These are the ideal option to create a seamless appearance. They can help your freezer and fridge blend into your home design without disrupting it.

There are refrigerators with 50/50 split, a 60/40 ratio for those who have to store more frozen foods or a higher percentage of fresh food items and even 70/30 models that are ideal for households that consume ice cream in large quantities. You can pick fridges that feature either a 50/50 or 60/40 ratio in order to store more fresh food items. There are also models that have a 70/30 split that is ideal for households who use a large number of freezer products.

Certain models come with door cameras, so you can check on your fridge before you go shopping or to determine if you need to purchase more milk. There's also a Party Mode function that lowers the temperature of the freezer for a short period of time, so you can chill drinks and ensure that your fridge is stocked ready for big events. Other fridge-freezers have a Smart Connect button that enables you to manage and monitor your appliance from anywhere you have an internet connection. There are models that have a No Frost function that automatically activates to reduce energy usage and defrosting times.


The integrated fridge-freezers are usually 60cm wide and are available in a standard size. This is to ensure that they will fit in kitchen cabinets. They can be proud or flush according to the style of your kitchen.

You should also search for a variety of features. For instance, there are models that have reversible door hinges to let you choose which side it opens from, based on how you want to arrange your kitchen. Some models include a Super Cool feature that instantly reduces the temperature in your fridge and freezer when you've loaded up with groceries. Others are able to defrost on demand to remove any built in fridge freezer 70/30-up frost.

Some also offer dynamic cooling that circulates cold air through the inside to keep food at a consistent, optimal temperature, making milk and meat fresher for longer. There are also some that have a Fast Freeze setting that rapidly lowers the temperature to freeze frozen food items and preserve the texture and taste.

Other helpful features include an LED display on the refrigerator side of the door that can be used to display photos and notes should you wish. Some have a SmartThings application that allows you to control your appliance remotely.

Energy efficiency

The freezers in your fridge work hard to preserve your food, therefore it is important to select one with a good energy efficiency rating. Find models that are frost-free because they don't need defrosting. This can be a lengthy and costly process. You should also consider looking for a fridge that can be reversible, so you can decide on which side the refrigerator door opens from depending on how convenient it is in your kitchen. Some models have an alarm that will alert you if you fail to close the door. This will help you save money on energy bills and also keep your food fresher longer.

Integrated models tend to have higher energy efficiency than fridge freezers that stand on their own, as they are designed to be incorporated into your kitchen cupboards. You might also opt for customized panels to blend the appliance into the design of your kitchen.

Also, you'll want to consider the ratio of space that is allocated to each compartment of your freezer and fridge. You'll find 50 / 50 60 / 40, 60/40 and 70 / 30 models on the market which is why it's important to consider which one is best suited to your family's requirements. Think about the power consumption per hour and whether it's suitable for cold environments like garages and outbuildings.


inbuilt fridge freezer freezers are a important kitchen appliance, so it's important to choose one that fits your family's needs. There are many fridge-freezer models to fit your needs from integrated models to models with plenty of storage.

A split fridge freezer 60/40 is the ideal combination of refrigerator and freezer space for most families. It also helps to keep food at optimum temperatures as well as reducing energy costs and freezer burn.

You'll have plenty of refrigerator storage space, with four shelves and a pair of crisper drawers. There are handy compartments for food items, drinks and even vegetables. All shelves are made from tough and easy-to-clean safety glass. The main door of the refrigerator has the ability to drop down, making it easy to get items such as milk. This feature can save energy as you don't need to open the main door frequently.

The freezer isn't slow either, with a complete no-frost technology to help you tick off de-icing from your chore list. There's an additional compartment to store ice cube trays. And with NightMode this appliance goes into stealth mode to cut down noise levels and help you sleep better at night.