20 Myths About Large Integrated Fridge Freezer: Dispelled

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Integrated Fridge Freezers

Integrated fridge freezers are built in to your kitchen cabinets so they blend seamlessly and are concealed from view. They are generally smaller than freestanding fridge freezers but they're stuffed with clever features.

Despite their appearance, these fridge-freezers offer deceptively cavernous storage with smart technology to keep food fresher for longer. A lot of models feature DuoCooling which is a system that combines two distinct cooling cycles to stop the transfer of flavours and smells from the fridge into the freezer space.


If you want a sleek, modern fridge freezer in your home an integrated model may be the best option for you. Designed to be hidden behind kitchen cabinets They can add an element of class that fridge freezers with freestanding units typically do not.

Integrated fridge-freezers are typically smaller than those that stand on their own. They should be designed in a way that they can be incorporated into the kitchen cabinetry. This means they are more expensive, as you also be required to pay for doors for your kitchen cabinet as well as the fridge housing cabinet which will surround your appliance.

The height of the integrated fridge freezer will depend on the size you select. There are models with midi-height that measure around 130cm, and taller models that range from 170-180cm. These appliances have a variety of door split options that can make it easier to maximize your storage space. Certain appliances come with 50/50 splits, whereas others have 60/40 splits or a 70/30 split to increase the amount of fridge space.

Refrigerators that are integrated tend to be more efficient than their freestanding counterparts, and also being sleeker and contemporary in appearance. The latest models are designed with features that help reduce the burden of daily life, including low-frost or even zero-frost technologies. These features help reduce iceland and eliminate the necessity to defrost.


Homeowners looking for a sleek aesthetic are attracted by integrated fridge freezers. They can be placed behind cabinet doors and fit seamlessly into any kitchen. With models to fit various kitchen designs and sizes Currys offers a variety of fridge freezers that are integrated from leading brands such as Bosch, Hotpoint and Neff.

While fridge-freezers with integrated refrigerators and freezers are beautiful however, they have their own drawbacks. They are, for one, more difficult to service than freestanding fridges and freezers since they're not readily accessible. If your fridge freezer isn't operating properly, or if there is an issue with the appliance, this could cost you a lot.

The hinges on the doors of an integrated fridge are more difficult to open than those on a freestanding model, and therefore wear out faster. This is costly, especially when you use your fridge's freezer a lot or have children.

Finally, large integrated fridge freezer refrigerators and freezers can be susceptible to condensation if ventilation holes aren't made correctly or are placed too close to the radiator. This can result in an accumulation of ice inside the door, which could impact the performance of the appliance. Make sure your kitchen fitting professional follows the instructions for installation and has also cut all vents to prevent this issue.


The fridge freezers that are integrated are designed to fit behind the cabinet doors of kitchens which can help create an uncluttered appearance. This is especially beneficial for those who wish to create a more minimalist kitchen, or for those with small space. They are also a great choice for open-plan spaces where freestanding appliances might be distracting.

Despite their hideaway appearance The integrated fridge freezers aren't lacking in smart features. Fast cooling and freezing features are built into the majority of models to ensure that food is fresher for longer. A lot of models are designed to help ease day-to-day stress by reducing defrosting or eliminating it completely with frost-free technology.

The majority of integrated fridge freezers are the standard size of 54-55cm. This is due to the fact that they have to fit into a kitchen cabinet which is usually 60cm in width. They can differ in height, from'midi' models up to extra tall.

With a variety of high-end finishes Integrated american style fridge freezers (Www.koreafurniture.Com) fridge freezers are available from household names such as Hotpoint and Bosch. The latter's model is equipped with an innovative A+ energy rating as well as a handy door alarm along with a VitaFresh fruits and vegetable drawer as well an EasyAccess shelf.

Energy efficiency

Energy-efficient appliances can lower your electricity costs, and are also more sustainable for the environment. If you're planning to replace your fridge freezer, you should consider a model that is more energy efficient than the one you have currently. It might cost more initially, but the savings that you'll experience in the long term should make it worth the extra expense.

Look out for fridge freezers that include features to help with food storage such as drawers that control humidity. Fruits like peaches, apples and pears are more prone to low levels of humidity. Insufficient humidity can cause the fruit to rot or soften. These drawers are perfect to keep them fresh. Vegetables, on the other hand, love high humidity and are best stored in their own compartment. They are usually available with a split of 70/30 or 60/40 split based on your requirements.

New energy labelling rules came into effect on 1 March 2021 so you'll need to know the rating of every refrigerator freezer. The labels offer more complete and precise list of information, including the appliance's annual energy usage and noise level. They also display an A-G rating that indicates the efficiency of the appliance.

The integrated fridge freezers can be incorporated into cabinets or placed under your worktop, creating a neat and tidy finish in your kitchen. They are concealed behind cabinet doors to ensure that they do not interfere with your interior design. They are a popular option for homes with a modern style.