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How to Choose a Fridge Freezer Built in 50/50

Integrated fridge freezers are designed to play an invisible role in your dream kitchen. Hidden behind subtle fascias, these appliances provide deceivingly cavernous storage and plenty of clever technology to keep food fresher for longer.

Some models, for example that completely eliminate defrosting by circulating the air to prevent frost accumulation. Some models can even minimize frost with low-frost technology.


A refrigerator freezer is a piece of equipment in the kitchen that permits families to store and keep their fresh food and beverages in their own area. This is done to ensure hygiene. They come in different sizes and colors, and they have features that make them more comfortable to use.

For example, some models feature a pantry drawer which can be adjusted for humidity and temperature - ideal to keep wine, party trays or frozen vegetables in top condition. Others have a movable cheese drawer and salad drawer that can be set to the ideal temperature for the particular product. Some models also have a quick freeze function that automatically lowers the temperature once you add food items to the freezer.

Another great feature is a digital display powered by batteries that means that the refrigerator can still function in the event of a power cut. Some refrigerators come with a cold accumulation block which keeps the fridge cool for longer and the ability to drain the spout to allow water to be easily removed during defrosting. Be sure to look for refrigerators with separate controls, which will allow you to adjust the temperature of each compartment individually when needed. Some refrigerators have an option for the holiday season that shuts off the freezer, but allows the refrigerator to run so you can enjoy frozen foods when you're away.


Designed to perform an unnoticed function in your dream kitchen by hidden behind facias that are subtly integrated, integrated fridge freezers still come with a variety of smart technology. They're reliable, affordable and loaded with features to help make your food last longer, including innovative cooling technologies such as BioFresh and VitaFresh+.

Basic integrated fridge freezers will just maintain a fixed temperature however, higher-end models provide higher-end temperature control and allow you to set the temperature of your fridge or freezer in degrees Celsius. Some models have separate drawers to store fish and meat at an lower temperature, which increases preservation. They also have a separate compartment to store fruit and vegetables with a low level of humidity, which prevents them from becoming soggy or rotting more quickly.

Our top range of integrated refrigerator freezers from brands like bosch fridge freezer built in, Siemens Beko, Hotpoint and Neff include all of these modern features, plus many other kitchen-enhancing innovations. For instance, some models come with a door alarm which alerts you if the refrigerator or freezer doors have been opened unintentionally. Some models are frost-free, and do not require defrosting at all. They circulate dry air throughout the appliance to melt and melt away any ice that might form.

It is essential to confirm that the new appliance is the same split type as the previous one, so that the cupboard doors fit. It is also necessary to leave a few centimetres on the back of the appliance for the sockets or pipes that need connecting.

Energy efficiency

The energy rating of a refrigerator freezer tells you how much energy it takes to keep food cool. The higher the rating, the more efficient it is. Choose models with the highest energy efficiency. AO compares the energy ratings of appliances and lets you know how much it costs to run a particular model for the year.

The range of fridge freezers offered by AO includes models with WiFi connectivity. These models sync with your smartphone and allow you to set notifications to remind to get rid of food items before they expire and even make custom recipes. They also have useful features such as a salad crisper, as well as LED lighting in the refrigerator compartment.

Another feature that is useful Another great feature Holiday mode. This reduces the temperature in the fridge and decreases energy consumption when you're away.

If you are looking to maximize storage space while preserving efficiency, opt for an integrated model like this Montpellier MIFF502. It is a perfect fit into your cabinetry, giving your kitchen a minimalist and sleek design. The fridge section is equipped with a reversible glass shelf and an open front door that can be reversible as well as drawers with a chest design that allow for flexibility. The freezer is also energy-efficient with a quick-chill feature and super-frost for fast cooling. This helps keep meat and other vegetables fresher for longer and stops the build-up of frost for easier cleaning. LG's NatureFresh Technology, which keeps cool, moves air throughout the fridge, and a Fresh Balancer that adjusts humidity levels for the fruits and vegetables are also ingenious.

The Right to Rent

If you want a freezer for your 50/50 refrigerator that doesn't require a lot of assembly, pick a brand that has a solid warranty. LG and Samsung offer warranties on refrigerator compressors, which last up to 10 years. GE provides water filters for the first 30 days. Bosch and Beko offer fridges equipped with frost-free technology, which eliminates defrosting, making these appliances an ideal choice for busy homeowners.

While regular maintenance and looking into issues as soon as possible can help extend the lifespan of your refrigerator freezer, the typical appliance can last from 12 to 14 years. Modern kitchen appliances have been designed to ease the burden of daily life by performing an unstoppable, reliable job. For example integrated refrigerators such as Bosch's KIN85NSF0G with integrated fridge freezer can hide the refrigeration behind your cupboard doors, with 1500 litres (net) for the fridge section, and 99 litres for the freezer.

When you're looking to buy a fridge freezer, be sure to look over the warranty of the manufacturer and compare it to the warranty that home warranty companies offer. Most of these warranties come with repairs that allow you to arrange repair appointments with experienced technicians near your home. A refrigerator warranty will save you time and money by streamlining the appliance repair process. You can also buy extended warranties for other major systems and appliances in your home.