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Buying Cheap Integrated Fridge Freezers

Integrated refrigerator freezers are hidden behind the doors of your cabinet to ensure that they don't appear out of place. These are popular with people who prefer a contemporary kitchen design or prefer an elegant appearance.

The best models cool quickly and lock in nutrients. Some also have clever features such as HarvestFresh light technology, which mimics natural sunlight to keep produce fresher for longer.


If you are seeking to maximize your kitchen space integrated fridge freezers may be a great choice. They are hidden behind cabinet doors, in contrast to freestanding refrigerators. Like any other large kitchen appliance they're not expensive.

Refrigerators with integrated freezers are generally more expensive than freestanding models. They offer a number of advantages that can save you time and money in the long run. Energy efficient models can cut your bills and food preservation technology can reduce the amount of food that you throw away.

There are many options for an integrated fridge freezer for less than PS450. Brands such as Beko, Candy and Hotpoint provide a range of affordable options for those seeking to save money. Premium brands such as Neff, Bosch, AEG and Siemens offer higher-end options but also include features like precise temperature control, built in wine racks, and a range of food preservation technologies.

Installation is another cost to think about. Refrigerators that are integrated can be found with either fixed or sliding hinges and, while the majority of kitchen cabinets are made to work with both, it's worth checking if yours can. This will affect the amount you'll pay since there's a larger selection of models to choose from that have a fixed hinge compared to sliding models.


Refrigerators that are integrated can provide the convenience of fridge and freezer in one appliance. They are designed to fit inside existing kitchen cabinets (and in some instances replace them), making them the ideal choice for those looking to create a minimalist look in their home.

When choosing a brand new integrated refrigerator freezer, the capacity of storage is a key consideration. Consider the way you prepare and shop for food to determine the size of the fridge freezer you require. You'll need to consider the ratio between fridge and freezer space. Most models come with 50/50 split, but you can find options that are more generous in the freezer or fridge if your household demands dictate it.

VarioZone, a feature of the latest fridge freezers, will help you keep your food fresher longer. You can customise your internal storage space to store different items at their best conditions while maintaining the best taste and nutrition. There are also models that offer enhanced temperature control that allows you to quickly reduce heat and bring your chilled or frozen foods down to the ideal temperature.

Another thing to consider is whether you would prefer a fixed/door-on-door model or a sliding door fitting. Fixed fridge freezer doors slot into the cabinet door of the kitchen, while sliding models have a rail that is fitted to the inside of the kitchen cabinet and slots into this when they are opened.


The fridge freezers that are integrated are a great way to reduce kitchen space and give your home a modern look. They blend in with your kitchen cabinets and hide behind doors on the cabinet they are an ideal choice for modern-style homes. They may be a little more expensive than freestanding refrigerators. This is likely because they have to be designed to fit in your existing cabinets. They also have a longer life span than freestanding models.

NE Appliances sells a wide range of integrated fridge freezers which are ideal for any kitchen. We offer free shipping on all orders, as well as installation services for those looking to upgrade their stand-alone fridge or need help with the removal of a unit. We also offer Klarna to those who wish to purchase their integrated fridge freezer and pay over time.

It's important to be aware that the width and height of an integrated fridge-freezer may vary significantly. You can also pick between different door split types. A 50/50 integrated fridge/freezer refrigerator freezer comes with an equal amount of freezer and fridge space. 60/40 and 70/30 models are ideal for those who like to store more fresh food in the refrigerator. For more information take a look at our buying guide.

Energy efficiency

Refrigerators with integrated fridges are more expensive than freestanding models because they require a housing cabinet for the fridge and bridging cabinets to complete the surround. This can increase the cost of your kitchen renovation, but the energy savings over the lifetime of the appliance could outweigh the initial cost.

The top integrated fridge freezers in Ireland offer a wide selection of storage options, from splits 50/50 to 70/30 or even frost-free models which will save your time and money on manual defrosting. There's also a variety of ice machines and dispensers available, which can provide additional functionality to your home.

When buying a cheap integrated refrigerator freezer, it's crucial to search for A energy rating. This will assist in keeping your expenses down. You can verify the energy usage of your refrigerator by using your smartphone camera to scan the QR code on the label for energy or checking it out on the European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL) database.

This model from Hotpoint provides a great price on fridge freezers. It has an energy rating of A+ and features such as frost-free and NoFrost that make cooking a breeze. Explore our collection of refrigerator freezers that are integrated to find the right addition to your home.