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Buying an Integrated Fridge Freezer

If you're replacing an old fridge-freezer, or are putting together a kitchen with that has a sleek, modern look, a fully integrated model would be an ideal choice. They also help reduce the hassles of daily life, such as freezing.

Integrated fridge freezers are typically wide enough that they can be placed inside cabinets for housing, but there's a range of models that have different split types (eg 70/30). There are also Sliding or Fixed doors available.


The integrated fridge freezer is a popular choice for kitchen design. They are smaller and don't attract as much attention as freestanding models. They're more expensive however more so than a freestanding model of the same model. You'll have to consider the price of the appliance, fridge housing cabinet and kitchen cabinets (if you're making an enclosure).

Generally speaking, integrated fridge freezers come in the standard size. They're usually 60cm wide but can vary a bit depending on the model and brand. They may also range from a midi height that is approximately 130cm to an extra tall integrated fridge freezer style that's around 170-180cm.

The size of the fridge compartment will also differ based on the model and preferences. There are 50/50 splits with equal freezer and fridge space, 70/30 models that are ideal for those who want to store more fresh food items, and finally one door models that are ideal for those who want to keep their meat and dairy separated.

Most fridge freezers with integrated refrigeration have an array of features that help you keep your food fresher for longer. This includes Total No-Frost technology, which helps to reduce the build-up of ice so you can take de-icing off your list of things to do list. They're often also equipped with a wine rack, salad drawer, and plenty of shelf space for bottles of milk and water.


The fridge freezers integrated into the refrigerator can be hidden behind cabinet doors to create a seamless appearance. They provide plenty of storage space concealed behind their subtle fascias as well as clever technology that will ensure that your food stays at the right temperature for a longer period of time.

The best models will have plenty of space in the doors for large milk bottles as well as various shelves and drawers that can be used to organize your weekly shopping. Look for features such as ice makers, smart connections (which allow you to adjust settings using a smartphone app) and child locks. Many models have a shelf which can be set to the ideal temperature for wine. This lets you chill your favourite wines and not have to worry about them getting frozen.

The hinges of less expensive integrated fridge freezers imported from the Far East are prone to breaking after a few months or weeks. They aren't durable enough for the repeated use. Hettich and Ingol hinges are sturdy and long-lasting. Many people do not realize that integrated fridge and freezers have more weight on their hinges than freestanding fridges so they must be strong enough to cope. The doors need to be strong enough to handle the weight of both the fridge and freezer as well as the kitchen.

Energy efficiency

The best integrated fridge freezers integrate into your kitchen design for an attractive, uniform design. Innovative frost-free technology will keep your food fresher for longer. You can locate the ideal fridge freezer to meet your needs with a range of sizes, capacities, and energy efficiency ratings.

When replacing fridge freezers that are broken, reworking your kitchen or building a new house integrated models hide the appliance behind cabinet doors to create a seamless appearance. This will reduce clutter on your counter and also provides extra storage for built-in (visit this website) your dinner gatherings. Some models have adjustable shelves that allow you to organize your food in a way that is suitable for you.

There are two kinds that are available: fixed door and sliding door models. Those with a sliding door feature a rail built into the cabinet where the fridge door slots into to open. The other type, fixed, uses special hinges to attach the fridge door to the cabinet. This means that the cupboard doors are attached to the doors of the refrigerator when they are opened.

It is now possible to determine the amount of energy that the integrated fridge-freezer consumes in kWh every year with the help of the new labels for energy which will be released in March 2021. This will help you make the best decision when choosing your appliances. The new rating system makes it easier to compare the energy cost of different brands of refrigerator freezers.


A fridge freezer integrated into the cabinet is a perfect alternative for homeowners who wish to create a sleek kitchen. These appliances hide away behind cabinet doors, blending in seamlessly with the rest of the kitchen decor and clearing out visual clutter. These appliances are ideal for those with small kitchens and open-plan living areas. It is important to leave enough space over and behind the appliance to allow proper ventilation. Otherwise, you could end up using more electricity than you're required or damage the refrigerator or freezer that is integrated.

Our range of integrated fridge freezers comprises models that have a variety of storage capacities. Choose between a classic split of 70/30 or 50/50 with equal amounts of freezer and fridge space. Some models have adjustable shelves, which means you can alter the interior storage configuration in accordance with your needs. Other options include a frost-free setting to decrease the temperature quickly and an antibacterial lining that prevents odours, and mould and frost-free technology.

When you're replacing your old fridge-freezer or redesigning your kitchen, you can't get a better deal with a fridge or freezer that is integrated. They're a stylish and sleek alternative to freestanding appliances, and are available in a wide range of sizes and colors. Saga Home Insurance will give you peace of mind for repairs and replacements.