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Integrated Fridge Freezers

Integrated fridge freezers are a great fit in your kitchen for seamless appearance and have all the sophisticated features you'd like. At AO we also offer free installation and delivery on fridge freezers with integrated fridges.

Before March 2021 the model would have received an A rating for energy efficiency. This is a solid choice that will keep your costs at a minimum while offering plenty of storage.


The frost-free fridge freezer features an elegant touchscreen on the door. It's ideal for families. It's energy efficient, features a 50/50 split as well as LED lighting. It even comes with a Super Cool function that rapidly reduces the temperature of the fridge compartment after you've finished your weekly shopping.

With a huge 413-litre capacity this fridge freezer comes with plenty of storage space for fresh and frozen foods. The refrigerator compartment is fitted with shelves that are wide enough to hold cartons and bottles as well as two drawers that can be used as crispers for your fruit and veg. It also has a handy Holiday Mode that keeps energy costs low and odours low during your absence.

This integrated fridge freezer is sleek and blends into any kitchen. It's equipped with a reversible glass shelf as well as a BigBox freezer compartment that can be used to store bulky items, such as joints of meat. VitaFresh drawers for fruits and vegetables, as well as an EasyAccess shelf slide out are also useful features. The fridge also comes with an in-indesit built in fridge freezer water dispenser, so you don't have to refill it every time you need to.

This fridge freezer is energy efficient and comes with a 50/50 Split and LED lighting to help you find things quickly. It also comes with a handy Super Cool function that rapidly reduces temperature in the refrigerator compartment after having unloaded your weekly shopping and a Fast Freeze setting that operates quickly to defrost the freezer after it is full.

Energy efficiency

This model from Hotpoint is a fridge with an integrated freezer that fits neatly in your kitchen. It comes with many innovations that keep your food fresher for longer. It is ideal for families because it has an enormous capacity of 163 litres in the fridge, and 91 litres in the freezer. It also has an A+ energy rating and several useful extras such as a BigBox in the freezer compartment, VitaFresh fruit and veg drawer and EasyAccess shelves that allow easy access to items.

If you're looking to cut down on your energy bills make sure you choose models with features like zero-frost technology that helps you tick de-icing off your list of chores once for all. There are fridge freezers that feature an alarm that lets you know when the door is left open. They also have reversible door hinges, so that you can choose which side of the appliance you wish to open from.

Check out other features that are energy-efficient, such as All Around Cooling Technology, which efficiently circulates air, or smart functions, like Power Cool and Rapid Frozen for the freezer and fridge sections. Other features that are useful include an inverter compressor with digital control, which changes the power and speed of the running depending on how often you use the appliance.


Built-in fridge freezers are created to play a role that is not obvious in your kitchen, but it doesn't mean that they're boring. Behind the subtlely integrated facias is an impressively large storage space, with clever storage options like wine racks, and plenty of technology to ensure that your food is healthy and fresh.

These models are incorporated into kitchen cabinets, which gives them a more sleek appearance. These models are also more energy-efficient than freestanding ones that help to cut down on electricity costs.

The latest refrigerator freezers that integrate have a range of practical features that ease the burden of daily life and stress, such as the frequency of defrosting as well as decreasing the time to recover temperature after closing the door. They're also often designed to be more eco-friendly due to the advancement of technologies like 6TH SENSE, which monitors the temperature of the freezer and boosts freezing only when needed, saving on energy usage.

Another fantastic convenience feature is the fast chill and speedy freeze function, which swiftly brings frozen food items down to a suitable temperature to be used immediately. The top refrigerators have doors that can be reversed, which allows for flexibility in usage and adjustable shelves to maximize space. Other helpful features include an automatic defrost and intelligent LED lighting.


Despite their plain appearance, integrated fridge freezers are not expensive. These smart refrigerators come with a huge storage space that is hidden behind subtle facias. They can be configured to meet your needs and include a range of smart features that maximize cooling and organization. There's a freezer in the fridge to fit any budget, whether you require room for a turkey, a dozen bottles fizz, or even enough room for your daily shopping. The SIA RFF102 is a top-quality appliance at affordable prices. With a gross size of 236L and several shelves that are removable, you can design the fridge or freezer that is ideal for your home. It also comes with a 5 year guarantee on the parts and labour to ensure peace of thought.